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Help with a dog and her lymphoma


Community Member
Oct 23, 2018
Has anyone had success in treating lymphoma? I have been working with Dr Loos since my dog's diagnosis in early Feb. I have not done anything conventional. My holistic vet referred me to Dr Loops but did not really have other suggestions except prednisone when the lymph nodes get too big (have not gotten there yet but they are bigger). I am sure there are a lot of posts to read here but it is challenging to make decisions as want to go in the best direction for my incredibly sweet, homebody dog (I men lion homebody as was trying to minimize stressful vet visits...but if anything can be given orally...)

Also. I am desperate for an alternative to peanut butter for supplements. It is the only thing she will willingly take them in; almond butter is a no go, and I believe PB is very inflammatory (it is fresh ground no salt or sugar etc). It does, however, give her a huge amount of pleasure.

If there is a phone consult oncologist on board in here I would love to speak with them.

We have been doing well with homeopathy and energy work (daily) but as I see some progression of the tumor size and some decrease in energy I feel compelled to try harder. Or maybe it is enough? Hard to know. Like everyone else here, I love my animal and want the very BEST...

Thank you,
Cassandra and Samarah
Has anyone had success in treating lymphoma? I have been working with Dr Loos since my dog's diagnosis in early Feb. I have not done anything conventional. My holistic vet referred me to Dr Loops but did not really have other suggestions except prednisone when the lymph nodes get too big (have not gotten there yet but they are bigger). I am sure there are a lot of posts to read here but it is challenging to make decisions as want to go in the best direction for my incredibly sweet, homebody dog (I men lion homebody as was trying to minimize stressful vet visits...but if anything can be given orally...)

Also. I am desperate for an alternative to peanut butter for supplements. It is the only thing she will willingly take them in; almond butter is a no go, and I believe PB is very inflammatory (it is fresh ground no salt or sugar etc). It does, however, give her a huge amount of pleasure.

If there is a phone consult oncologist on board in here I would love to speak with them.

We have been doing well with homeopathy and energy work (daily) but as I see some progression of the tumor size and some decrease in energy I feel compelled to try harder. Or maybe it is enough? Hard to know. Like everyone else here, I love my animal and want the very BEST...

Thank you,
Cassandra and Samarah
@ckraham . Cassandra, I understand from hearing integrative vets over the years that conventional medicine is actually pretty good with this cancer. The caveat is that if you did decide to do chemo that if your dog was on steroids prior to it then the chemo would be less effective. So as I understand the rule is don't use pred or steroids before chemo. I would also go to youtube and watch oncologist Dr. Sue Ettinger's videos. I watched them when my dog was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma back in November. I am now wondering if she had lymphoma as Dr. Ettinger says that hemangio does not usually metastasize to the kidney and if it does then it is usually just one kidney. She said if the cancer metastasized to both kidneys it is probably lymphoma. My Gabby had Met to both kidneys. Sorry to go off track... but I learned a lot from watching Dr. Ettinger. She also co authored a book with Dr. Demien Dressler, the Dog Cancer Vet, Dog Cancer Survival Guide. I have that book and it is good detailing so many things, supplements that cause apoptosis, diet, treatments etc... I have had the guide for years. There is a drug called Palladia that Dr. Ettinger talks about and I saw a youtube video on Laverdia, a newer drug that is in FDA approval process, I think. Have you had your dog tested for tick disease. One of my integrative vets used to be on the radio and he used to say that undiagnosed/untreated tick disease can cause cancers, but especially lymphoma. Have you considered a gentle detox under supervision. Also make a note that glyphosate is implicated in this cancer in humans and I assume dogs. I never used to walk my dog on "nice looking grasses" and did a paw wash after a walk. I tried to avoid the Roundup sprayed areas on walks and never used them at my house. I understand all of what you are feeling--- I try to avoid vet visits now with the dog I have and I understand the weight of the decisions. You sound like me wanting to try everything and anything. I have heard the "throw everything you got at it" approach and the "stick with one thing at a time approach" So ergo---the "weight " of decisions are difficult. Keep in mind to eavesdrop on your own thoughts, hard as it is, to stay encouraged and positive as I have learned how our pets pick up on the energy of our thoughts. I am guilty of learning this way too late. Lastly, you asked about pilling. I get it......My JJ was not taking pills. I started to cook up thin grass fed sirloin steaks and shoved the pill in pieces I cut. He also liked the juice the meat was cooked in. I syringe his thyroid pill into him for some odd reason he won't take a treat for those pills. But I get his supplements into him at mealtime with the steak..... He will no longer eat the meal if I mix the supplements with the food so I have to take the powders of mushrooms, his ubiquinol liquid, vitamin/mineral, Green Lipped Mussel etc.. and put it into an empty capsule. I get the steaks from US Wellness Meats (Keto steaks or bison stew meat) Would your dog take a supplement or pill in tripe? We heard on the Q&A food hour monday that tripe was also good for beneficial bacteria. BTW, I also work with Dr. Loops for my JJ. I wish I would have given it a try with my Gabby but I think I was still in the "don't see how this can work mindset." After trying it with my JJ the last few months I see at 15 1/2 he is exceeding my expectations and after using some remedies for myself as "first aid" I have become a believer and promoter of this modality.... I hope some of this was helpful. My integrative vet that I had for 15 years who was very well known would harp on working on the immune system and that sometimes pets can live a long time "with" the cancer, as can people if we can manage it and restore immune function "dysfunction". Curing it is not always the goal.
Hi Casandra-

I'm sorry to hear about Samarah's lymphoma. :(
Has anyone had success in treating lymphoma?

Yes (and no). Since the body's ability to fight this cancer depends on how aggressive the cancer is, some pups with lymphoma can do quite well, e.g. with "indolent" B-cell lymphoma. On the other hand, aggressive T-cell tends to progress rapidly no matter what modality or drugs are used.

Also. I am desperate for an alternative to peanut butter for supplements.
I believe PB is very inflammatory

It does, however, give her a huge amount of pleasure.
You may want to discuss this with Dr. Loops, but the happiness factor from giving peanut (or other nut) butter far outweighs any pro-inflammatory effects IMHO.
Other possible things to try giving pills in: liverwurst (yeah, not a 'healthy' go, but some dogs really love it), cream cheese, canned cat food (pate'), liver pate' -- and that you *can* make healthy by making it yourself from organic liver and adding some spices -- maybe a bit of salt, since your dog loves PB. I'd say, for the moment, if your dog is content with PB, go for it! It's only when a dog starts to get finicky that you start needing to worry a bit. And in that case, some of the above might help. All the best to your dog and you.
So sorry to learn this about your pup. My 15 year old Shih Tzu used to take anything and everything mixed into her ground raw food. That changed recently and now if it has any supplements, she spits it out. Was just going to purchase some peanut butter. There are one or two supplements that I really have to get her to ingest on a regular basis to keep her from failing. My 11 year old Shih Tzu had an ultrasound last month and lesions were found on her; kidney, liver and spleen. My holistic vet suggested the possibility of using MMS (chlorine dioxide) and I just finished watching a two hour video and the book that I ordered explaining MOA and protocols (including for pets) has just arrived. Anecdotally, three dogs were cured of cancer. MMS does not heal or cure an illness. The protocols will kill most disease pathogens and oxidize various poisons in the body, thereby allowing the body to heal itself. You may want to explore this for your pup. The person who cured three dogs from terminal illness first mentioned their dog with lymphoma saying that it was hours away from death and they felt like it was a miracle when 1 drop of MMS revived her. Someone on this forum may have experience to share and I would appreciate hearing from them. Best of luck to the two of you. Please keep us updated.
Thanks for sharing your experience Maura.?❤️

@JodyMY do you have any chlorine dioxide experiences that you could share?
So sorry to learn this about your pup. My 15 year old Shih Tzu used to take anything and everything mixed into her ground raw food. That changed recently and now if it has any supplements, she spits it out. Was just going to purchase some peanut butter. There are one or two supplements that I really have to get her to ingest on a regular basis to keep her from failing. My 11 year old Shih Tzu had an ultrasound last month and lesions were found on her; kidney, liver and spleen. My holistic vet suggested the possibility of using MMS (chlorine dioxide) and I just finished watching a two hour video and the book that I ordered explaining MOA and protocols (including for pets) has just arrived. Anecdotally, three dogs were cured of cancer. MMS does not heal or cure an illness. The protocols will kill most disease pathogens and oxidize various poisons in the body, thereby allowing the body to heal itself. You may want to explore this for your pup. The person who cured three dogs from terminal illness first mentioned their dog with lymphoma saying that it was hours away from death and they felt like it was a miracle when 1 drop of MMS revived her. Someone on this forum may have experience to share and I would appreciate hearing from them. Best of luck to the two of you. Please keep us updated.
I HAVE heard of chlorine dioxide as well. My holistic doctor gave me some a few years ago but I guess I was listening to the scare stuff out there and threw it away. Since then I have learned it is beneficial for humans but did not know it was used on pets. I would love to explore this more. I would like to know more about your shih tzu. Are the lesions bleeding? Did they diagnose lymphoma or hemangiosarcoma with metastasis to the kidney and liver. I am curious what you are giving her that she "must have." My dog passed away in Dec and had kidney and spleen lesions they called hemangio but since then I am curiously wondering if it was lymphoma. I am impressed with your holistic vet who knows about chlorine dioxide for pets. This makes me think there is a wide continuum of what holistic medicine is... My holistic local vet was on the spectrum about a click above conventional and yours is at the other end, very lucky to have a vet that keeps up with things.
Actually I spoke about two different Tzu. My oldest had her spleen removed in February 2020. A friend received my 2019 Xmas card and called to tell me that the oldest girl's face was thinner from the pic in the 2018 Xmas card and insisted that she see the vet. Had her annual physical exam, bloodwork, snap test, etc... early January. Everything checked out fine. Thinking of my friend's comment, I asked if there was anything else that we could do. Vet said that, very rarely, he would find something on ultrasound. Scheduled it for two weeks later, and she had two lesions on her spleen. We followed them using ultrasound every three months for a year. They had gotten bigger during the year and a third one eventually appeared on the last ultrasound in January 2020. Surgery was scheduled for February 2020, she had her post-surgery check up and the next day everything shut down due to covid. When the spleen was removed, they weren't hemangiosarcoma but two different kinds of tumors, one of which was about to burst. She experienced a good recovery and I've been grateful for her presence every day since. For years, high platelets have been an issue for her but blood work three months ago showed the reading to be triple the highest normal value. Have been treating her with a large variety of supplements but suddenly she is rejecting the food and the one supplement that I am adamant that she ingest is lumbrokinase. Hence, the question about peanut butter, etc... I am so sorry to learn about the dog that you lost. Did they send out a tissue sample to be tested when your dog passed away so that you have a definitive diagnosis? My 11-year old Tzu is the one with the lesions on three different organs. No symptoms, Discovery was accidental when vet was obtaining a urine sample guided by ultrasound and felt/saw something on the right kidney. I scheduled a full cavity ultrasound for the following week and learned the bad news. Surgery would be complicated and outcome questionable. That is when the conversation about MMS came up. I am researching and am open to everyone's thoughts and anecdotal experiences.
I just wanted to add here that I started distance healing with a Bengston practitioner and my dog is feeling so much better
I’ve seen lots of great responses with B17 in dogs and cats. Not to mention countless incredible humans cases. 2 great resources below.

Thanks for sharing these sources Michael.

I love Apricot Powers wide variety of products.
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