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GI Balance Supplement for Cats


VIP Member
Nov 18, 2020
I have 2 cats both with bowel issues. They both seem to get constipated and their whole life has been a bowel movement per day. They are both licking more and Chewey, who works with Dr. Jeff, is itching more than he was.

On my trip to the cat store they suggested Super Snouts GI Balance for dogs and cats because my cats were having issues pooping and vomiting. They keep getting constipated and the current probiotic is Four Leaf Rover Protect Soil-Based Probiotics and Prebiotics. I kept trying to sneak it in their food but often they do not eat it so to supplement the action of that it was suggest to try the GI Balance.
It has Pumpkin, Apple Pectin, Organic Fennel Seed, Ginger, and Organic Agave Inulin.
The dose on the container is: 1 - 25 lbs would be 1-3 teaspoons daily

I am doing about 1/4 or less of 1/4 tsp 1-3x a day. I was at 3 but they both seemed to be having acid indigestion issues so I have decreased it now to 2 times a day. I am assuming the ginger caused what looked like acid indigestion.

Is this a good idea to help get them to have a bowel movement daily and help their digestive tracts or is there something better I could do?

Thank you both for responding! :0)
Both cats having been given a pinch to begin and then in a week or so 2 pinches of the GI Balance a day both developed acid reflux. Tigger would have barf breath at times and I could see Chewey and Tigger both looked like they burped up and swallowed and then many swallows proceeded after that. As if when we get acid reflux and it burns so we keep swallowing.

Symptoms: Both are constantly up and down with constipation and both are itchy and have been for a while.

BEAM is good for both for the most part but on some days not so much. Tigger is getting more skittish and they are both a little more tired at times than usual. Both playful often and full of energy and other times seem more tired.

Food is raw frozen. We have tried adding in probiotics and I am in search of another brand because they just don't like to eat the one I have so it's a struggle to get it in them. It's 4 Leaf Rover Protect probiotics.

We tried cooked and pureed Zucchini. Started with 1/4 tsp a day and upped it to a half and then 3/4 and now we are at 2 tsp and the progression doesn't seem to be helping Chewey poop. He didn't poop yesterday or today so far....again. I gave him Vaseline today to help him poop so he doesn't throw up.

I have read the Digestive Resource section you supplied, thank you! I purchased the supplement Dr. Jeff suggested in hopes it helps!

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