Hi Doctors, I recently tried to switch my cat Sera from from Epakitan to Phos Bind. I didn't think the Epakitin was strong enough (due to pain around her kidneys she would experience after eating) and she didn't like the taste. A day or two into the switch Sera had 2 consecutive bouts of bloody stools so I immediately put her back on the Epakitan. Her appetite stayed just fine and I began feeding some lightly cooked chicken hearts along with her regular raw food. The chicken hearts are non-GM and not organic. This is something I've never given her. She has stopped having bloody stools but has diarrhea and very soft stools. She has also been drinking a lot more and throwing up after drinking. She is throwing up food and water. Often quite a bit. Her constitutional remedy is currently Nux Vomica until we can find a better one. This treats her pain and I thought it should work for vomiting. Does anyone have suggestions? Is it possible the switch to Phos Bind caused this? Has anyone ever had this kind of problem with it? Also, could the chicken hearts be doing this? Nothing else has been changed though our neighborhood has all been getting work done on their houses from painting to new roofs. This has been going on for a few weeks and it makes Sera hide all day. But she hasn't reacted with vomiting and diarrhea before now. I did give her pumpkin for two days. This may have helped a little but it isn't fixing the problem.