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Epulis in my dog's mouth


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
1. pet's name, Memée
age 11 and fit
sex female
Neutered dog
3. Breed Old English Sheepdog
4. Approximate weight 24kg
5. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood) Good energy and appetite, lovely mood.
6. Diet -She eats raw but she also has whole rice and veggies because she vomits when there is not rice or potatoes with raw meat/fish. I always use spirulina in her food.
7. Vaccination history Last Anti rabies done 3 weeks ago or so, before that Memee had THUYA 30CH single dose and SULFUR 30CH single dose before and after the shot. She needs this vaccination to go abroad here in Europe.
No other medications
8. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time: I am writing here because my dog has an epulis I have noticed last Monday. I am attaching photo about the Epulis. Unfortunately she is prone to epulis and to cysts. As a pet spiritual healer I channel treatments on her often.
9. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc? She walks 40/60 mins daily and she doesn't seem to feel bad about the epulis
10. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them.)
My homeopathic veterinarian says she can try to lace the apulis to implode it and if it soen't work she would do Surgery. would you agree to do that? Can I treat the epulis and cysts differently?
11. Current and previous treatment. As a pets spiritual healer I am treating her with my spiritual treatments and channelings. She is followed by an homeopathic vet and from Dr. Nicole Galante (from MM) who you probably know.
12. Other health concerns. My dog is prone to cysts. She had 4 surgeries during her life.
13. Tag a doctor: @Dr. Christina



Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hi again Andree and welcome to HA!

Did you notice the epulis before or since the rabies jab 3 weeks ago?

she is prone to epulis and to cysts
Ah yes, the tendency to grow these can be a common part of the breed. When were her last ones, and what did you do for them (if anything)?

What makes her happiest (walking/hiking/sniffing, petting, food, etc.)? Your practicing the Happiness Protocol will help her body naturally heal as best possible:

Has she been treated constitutionally with homeopathy?


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
Thank you dr. Jeff,

I noticed the epulis last Monday. She has had the shot 3 weeks ago or so.

She is super happy when she hikes on the mountains and on the shores. She is not happy to walk around our Tucan FIelds anymore, unfortunately she now finds them very boring.

She had three surgeries, 2 for epulis in her mouth and once for 3 cysts she had around her body.

I am not sure to understand what you mean with "treated constitutionally" I am sorry. She has both a Homeopathic veterinarian and a Spiritual guide who is clairvoyant, Dr. Nicole Galante who used to work with MM.

I understand that lacing the epulis with a lace is not something you would recommend right? Because my vet laced the epulis on our other dog and it was very successful, meaning it did not came up again.

Much gratitude

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
I am not sure to understand what you mean with "treated constitutionally"
Great question! That refers back to treatment using the homeopathic medicine indicated by her "constitution" including all of her historical symptom manifestations.

This is something you try to discover with a Hahnemannian vet homeopath. This remedy often can deal with "new" health challenges that arise.

Because my vet laced the epulis on our other dog and it was very successful, meaning it did not came up again.
Excellent! If it was lanced and not removed but then resolved, then you might want to try it again as per your vet's recommendations.


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
Hello Dr. Jeff,

thank you so much for sources you sent to me. I have been healing myself and my pets for 30 yrs or so with homeopathy but never had the chance to study about the "constitutionally" part because here in Italy courses about that are only for medical doctors unfortunately. So I am grateful I can now study this part thanks to what you sent to me.
Would you recommend any homeopathic treatement while I am studying for the epulis?

Much gratitude

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Would you recommend any homeopathic treatement while I am studying for the epulis?
Thanks for asking Andree!

Finding a helpful remedy for the chronic tendency to epulis needs to be based on a full evaluation of 2+ hours and subsequent rechecks of 20-30 minutes.

Many of us can do this virtually along with you and your local vets.

In the meantime your best bet is to activate Memée's natural healing abilities using fresh food, nature exposure, sniffing, joy, etc.

BTW-if anything else comes into my consciousness for her, I'll let you know in this thread.

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
One of your member benefits, Andree, are homeopathy for animal courses (click on the button for homeopathy in the resource library, then scroll to the bottom). 6 days worth that were live streamed. Two summers we did the intro course, so they are similar, but to really learn, I would do both. Then the intermediate class. And this is now the only place to get the book - tutorial to kents repertory with animal examples for rubrics and prescribing. Also on that page are many of our homeopathic webinars over the last 7 years to access.,

Then you can go to the homeopathy thread in the forum.

Personally I would not do surgery unless there is a lot of pain or inability to eat food or chew on toys, and even then would try some energy treatments first. Careful treatment should prevent any future cysts, especially if you avoid surgical removal (read the Organon for what Dr. Hahnemann says about removing superficial problems).

For everyone, this is a good example of why I do not recommend using homeopathic medicines to "prevent" vaccine problems - giving the same remedy to every individual. Homeopathy is most powerful when it is matched for each individual.



Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
Hello dr. Christina,
thank you so much for your thoughtful message.

Can I ask you quotes for a constitutional omeopathy consultation for my dog please?

I really hope I wasn't given a wrong piece of advice in giving thuya and sulfur before the shots...

Much gratitude
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Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Unlikely that the remedies would cause this. They just cannot be relied on to prevent problems post vaccine.
I, unlike Dr. Jeff, am no longer prescribing homeopathy. I do advising to basically teach people one on one what they can learn at HA and help them find a vet.

Unless you are on the West coast, I would recommend going to theavh.org and use your intuition to select between Dr. Judith Herman, Adriana Sagrera, Todd Cooney. All are excellent virtual veterinary homeopaths. Or your intuition may have you check out others in the phone consult section.

Dr. Christina


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
Thank you Dr. Christina, it's a relief! So I will be aware to avoid thuya and sulfur before vaccines in the future. And I am going to study HA sources because I deeply appreciate your philosophy.

Thank you for your guidance about my intuition and the theavh.org website. Also I am so grateful to you and to Dr. Jeff for everything.

Much love
Ms Andrée

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