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Don't know if I should give another dose of homeopathic remedy


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
I emailed the homeopath June 17th and have not heard anything. I do not know if Blossom should be given another dose of the arsenicum remedy. Last dose was the 17th (and the 10th before this dose) after a more than the usual horrible trip in the car with her. I don't even know if this was prescribed for her car anxiety or her medical issues of intermittent lethargy, slow walking (actually it is more than intermittent these days) or both. Today she is really lethargic after yesterdays over excitement in the car and fast walking when I took drove her to a place to walk. I wish I had more direction. I feel waiting this long for a response is not good for the dog's progress. It almost seems like she has low oxygen because even when she has to come in the house, one step from the garage, she hesitates like my dog did who DID have oxygen problems. It is NOT a joint problem but yet when I ask the vets about testing her coagulation (doesn't thick blood cause low oxygen?) they seem to not feel a coagulation test is necessary. I cannot get an arterial blood gas level at the local vet so how else would I determine if she is low on oxygen other than deducing it from a coagulation, i.e. thick blood problem. I think the vets are wrong on this. Back to the homeopath. I would advise anyone considering homeopathy, since I will be on my third one soon, that they should ask about how soon they get back to you. I feel like I am hung out to dry and putting my dog at risk. I feel this is a determining factor in choosing one in addition to one AVH certified.
doesn't thick blood cause low oxygen?
Not really however it can decrease the efficacy of oxygen delivery to the tissues and tiredness. More commonly, low oxygen can trigger secondary polycythemia (not PV).

I don't even know if this was prescribed for her car anxiety or her medical issues of intermittent lethargy, slow walking (actually it is more than intermittent these days) or both.
Every homeopathic medicine is best prescribed for the TOTALITY OF SYMPTOMS - current and past.

Please call the homeopath's office tomorrow. Ask why messages not being returned. You may need a different homeopath, though she is excellent.
Dr. Christina

I don't even know if this was prescribed for her car anxiety or her medical issues of intermittent lethargy, slow walking (actually it is more than intermittent these days) or both.
Every homeopathic medicine is best prescribed for the TOTALITY OF SYMPTOMS - current and past.

Please call the homeopath's office tomorrow. Ask why messages not being returned. You may need a different homeopath, though she is excellent.
Dr. Christina

Dr. Christina, I guess they were on vacation. I did give another dose yesterday. They did email me this morning and said they would get back with me. I am still watching for any observations from my dosing yesterday. Thanks!
Not really however it can decrease the efficacy of oxygen delivery to the tissues and tiredness. More commonly, low oxygen can trigger secondary polycythemia (not PV).

Dr. Jeff, I just wish they had the erythropoeitin test for animals like they do for humans. I do not think my vets understand I am trying to get as much information to hone in on the reason for the polycythemia with blood work. For humans per the article they test for a gene to determine polycythemia vera from other causes. Is there a blood test for dogs that can determine if they have the gene for it? Are the gene mutations the same as they are for humans--the JAK2 V617F mutation mentioned in the article? She gets her blood tested thursday and would like to get as much done as possible. Oh, one other thing, we talked about in house testing versus sending it out. So I will ask for a repeat test of the Na:K ratio to be sent out but they also did the Spec cPL in house too. Should I also have them send that out to make sure that test is normal --the in house testing showed it was normal this time. I should make it clear that I want all out of range testing that is repeated to be sent out.

Thank you for this great article. I just wish I could find a lab that does the erythropoeitin testing.
test for dogs that can determine if they have the gene for it? Are the gene mutations the same as they are for humans--the JAK2 V617F mutation mentioned in the article?
Both great questions that I will look into. However, due to the infrequency of PV in dogs, I don't think this is an area of active inquiry (which is also why an EPO test isn't available).

I dont think you need to repeat normal tests unless you want a solid baseline for the future (and if money is no object adding all these tests).
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