Your pet's name, Lucy, age,7 sex,f 2. Neutering status no 3. Breed Rottweiler 4. Approximate weight 80 5. What's their BEAM (behavior,5 energy,3 lethargic) appetite,3 mood 5) 6. Diet raw food 7. Vaccination history she had all her shots 6 months then I stopped I don't like how she is for a couple of days after / exposure to toxins, no) other medication no) 8. Primary problem, she was diagnosed with cancer,) had some surgery) on her knee and lungs and mammary gland within the last 6 7 months for all) when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time (no) 9. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold is when she looks the best, time of day later in the day she is the most positive beam wise) certain foods no, emotional upset idk, being touched sometimes, excitement, etc? 10. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them. No) 11. Current home remedies that have a positive beam score) and previous treatment no. 12. Other health concerns. She doest really want to eat, looks bloated.and super tired, doesn't want to go for a walk. Pee 3 times today at 9 am. Then pee three more times around 3pm and bowel movements diarrhea and possibly a little bloody looks kinda stringy and kinda mucousy don't think they are worms today. Hard to walk and get overall beam probably 5. I guess my question is when do I need to be concerned I get looking at the big picture. But in the process I want to make her feel comfortable, pain meds? Water supplements because she is drinking more then she is eating is that why she has low energy? Er visit? I don't want to put her through that again. Unless it's the only way.