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VIP Member
Aug 16, 2017
I currently have a foster corgi and she is due for her dhpp and dapp vaccines and I am not in control of her care at this point so I think I will have to get these done
Is there anything I can do/ give her to help her system handle the vaccines and minimize the negative effects of them on her overall health?
Thank you
I saw Jackson galaxy has a vaccine detox product, would this be something I could use, or is there a remedy that can help before or after the vaccines??
I encourage my clients and pup owners to consider allowing their pups to develop natural immunity. In situations like yours, the pet guardian does not have the latitude to choose to allow the dog to develop natural immunity. There are a few things that you can do to help your foster corgi.

A vaccination is a contaminated puncture wound, as we are injecting foreign substances under the skin with a sharp needle.
Ledum is an appropriate treatment for contaminated puncture wounds. I give all patients to be vaccinated a dose of Ledum 30 C in water before the vaccination, then send a dose home with the guardian to repeat in 12 hours. (I learned the 'split dose' method in the UK; many homeopaths will use a single dose, which is also fine.)
To decrease the negative energetic field, I Reiki the vaccine, and the site on the animal to be vaccinated. If the guardian knows Reiki, I ask them to give a Reiki treatment daily for a few days if the animal wants it.

Go straight home after the vaccination, and avoid stress or overly vigorous exertion for the rest of the day.
Watch the pup for signs after vaccination and respond with appropriate homeopathic prescribing.
Thank you so much for the advice...
This is the downside to fostering is not having full control over the medical decisions for the pup
Yes, the Vaccine Detox from Jackson Galaxy is great to give before and after any needed vaccines. It usually does not help months and years after vaccines.

Also, in the future, you can Reiki the syringe, then Reiki the injection site, then offer Reiki twice a day until there is no more "draw".
Dr. Christina
Thank you Dr Christina... I have put the vaccines off for now , but I’m sure they will want me to get them for her and if we adopt her I’m afraid I’m going to have to get them if I want to board her :(
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