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Cat threw up blood yesterday but ER results said he's fine—how should I proceed?


Apr 25, 2022
Gastrointestinal issues—vomited up blood the other day but ER vets said tests & x-rays were fine. Having a hard time getting him to eat the prescription bland food let alone to take his medicine with it (I don't have anyone to help me give him the medicine). Is there a more holistic approach I can take? Don't want to give him the meds if I don't have to. Thanks!

1. Your pet's name: Tucker

2. Approximate age: 5

3. Sex: Male

4. Neutering status: Neutered

5. Breed: shorthaired tabby

6. Approximate weight: 12

7. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood): B normal E was low, coming back A barely eating M pretty okay, loving/friendly but mellow

8. Diet: Blue Tastefuls Tender Morsels wet food, dry food when he doesn't eat that. Tried to get him to take his medicine with some Delectables

9. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication: basic vaccinations as a kitten—nothing since

10. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time: Bloody vomit, gastrointestinal issues. Threw up around 3-4am Monday morning, then threw up blood around 7am. Had diarrhea as well. Took him to the ER and when they ran his blood work and took xrays, everything was pretty normal. Yesterday he won't eat even the bland food and he's very tired.

11. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc?: Worsens after he eats (no more vomiting or diarrhea but lethargy kicks in and he becomes more mellow

12. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them.): Yes, attached

13. Current and previous treatment.: They gave him an injection of Cerenia for nausea/vomiting and he received fluids for hydration. They prescribed Omeprazole, Metronidazole, and Proviable Capsule as treatment. Haven't been able to give him much

14. Other health concerns: N/A

@Dr. Jeff, @Dr. Christina, @Dr. Sara


  • Tucker Records.pdf
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Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Lauren!

I'm sorry to hear about Tucker's vomiting.

As you know, his bloodwork on that day looked good. Do you have any prior results to compare them against (I'd like to see what his prior albumin and HCT were)?

Is there a more holistic approach I can take?

First thing is to look at the full context for this episode. Has he had prior challenges episodes of vomiting or diarrhea and gastroenteritis?

Ws his BEAM score 10/10 on 7/7 before the episode? Or has been having issues for awhile?

A great place to start with learning the holistic approach is with the HA! 101 course.

Then move on to the resources about IBD, pancreatitis and fresh food feeding.

It might also be helpful for you to schedule an HA! HMDM call with Dr. Christina or I.


Apr 25, 2022
Your kindness carries through your messages, Dr. Jeff. Thank you.

Unfortunately I don't have prior records to compare them to.

But he hasn't had any issues with vomiting. Previously when he had more access to the outdoors, he'd get diarrhea more often, but that was about 2 years ago. He gets it about once a year now (no chemicals in the house, no harmful flowers, and has a catio on the porch so no other outdoor access).

BEAM score has been good prior except probably appetite. Appetite has been finicky this year—he's done better with smaller meals more frequently but it's been up and down with how much he'll eat in a day.

I actually have an appointment scheduled with Dr. Christina, so I'll look forward to that. And I'll look into the course and other resources

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Thank you Lauren!

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