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Carnosine, Glutathione, & Glucosamine


Feb 21, 2023
Are these relatively safe to give to canine? Any knows counterattractions to be aware of?
Here's what Dr. Wagner says:

If the dog were mine, I'd use x39 24 hrs on and 24 hrs off. I have folks place it on the right side of the neck where the dog can't get to it. They can push the hair back and cut or shave a small area. They don't need to go to the skin-the patches stick well to the undercoat. I would also use glutathione once a week. (X39 will already raise glutathione-30% in people.) it can go on the same area. If the dog has bladder pain, the IceWave patches are fantastic. Put the tan patch low on the abdomen and white about 2 inches cranial. That would want to watch to be sure the dog doesn't bother them. If it does, they can actually put the patches on a tee shirt or a wrap. Likewise, if they don't stick on the neck, they can put them on a bandana. (I'm not intuitively sensing that carnosine will help much for this dog) I have a pets with patches Facebook group if they are interested.
BTW-Here's Dr. Sue's private Facebook group if you'd like more info:

Wow! This is an INCREDIBLE reply!! Thank you. What about Glucosamine? This question actually came from me looking at LifeWave and considering using these exact patches but I didn't mention that at all in the question. Are you reading my mind??!??

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