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My friends rescued a kitten and are feeding it dry food or Purina. I’d like to suggest a healthy canned option and am having trouble finding posts in the forum. What do you suggest? Thank you!
Excellent to get them to switch to canned. Encourage them to feed different brands each day (rotate) as each one has different sourcing of ingredients. The you can share the 101 course and introduce them to fresh food feeding. If they are neighbors, maybe you can bring a fresh meat meal over every so often as this is a great time to get them eating fresh.
I am not up to date on the canned foods, so hopefully all the members will chime in.
Weruva and Ziwi are excellent. Maybe they can add in some raw goats milk (fermented or not).
Canned foods really vary in their availability (tho the brands Dr. Christina mentioned are widely available).
It therefore really pays to learn more about commercial foods first. In addition to the vast amount of nutrition stuff you'll find here, @Dr. Jean Hofve has some awe-some resources like:
Updated March 2024 Holistic veterinarians agree that the very best diet for your animal companion is one that you make yourself. A homemade diet, carefully balanced nutritionally, and using raw and organic foods, is closest to what Mother Nature intended. However, many of us do not have the...
The ultimate guide to the optimal feline diet! Learn all about commercial cat food, tips to improve your cat's diet, how nutrition affects health, and so much more! Plus: the specific brands this holistic feline veterinarian recommends.
I like canned cat food by ZiwiPeak - when we first our kitten, we offered her that then switched to commercial raw food like SmallBatch, Savage Cat and Quest.