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Cannabis Oil and CBD

It depends...
Adam, the answer to every question like this depends on the full context of the case and why you'd want to use it.

Rather than re-posting all of the details about Chase in every post you make about him, perhaps add all of your questions to the one longer summary message you made which contains more context:

Sorry, I thought you had a working idea of Chase at this point and would be able to let me know if this is a positive route to go down specifically for him. Previously you requested for me to start the threads in ways that others can search the topics but I will move my questions over to this other thread going forward. Thank you
Absolutely Adam!

You and I spent hours discussing and individualizing him so I have a working idea of him.

However, most people reading this forum do not.

In order for a post to be most useful to the HA! community as well as anyone searching on Google, there are 3 things to include in each new post.

1. A descriptive topic name e.g "Should I Use CBD and Cannabis Oil for a Dog After Bladder Cancer Surgery?"

2. Some context/description of the situation (this is why I suggested posting your quick questions in your thread with more description of the situation).

3. A specific question such as can CBDs and Cannabis inhibit cancer growth or improve quality of life, or is fenbenazole useful for dogs with cancer, or...
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