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Arnica in place of Metacam after dental?


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
1. Your pet's name, age, sex: Martin, 9yo male
2. Neutering status: Neutered
3. Breed: Chihuahua mix
4. Approximate weight: 10lbs.
5. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood): Low energy/mood; appetite good
6. Diet: Freeze-dried raw patties
7. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication: Just had dental with extractions, so received anesthesia and other associated medications
8. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time: Dental surgery was Tuesday 3/18
9. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc? n/a
10. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them.) n/a
11. Current and previous treatment. Have just given gabapentin since the surgery
12. Other health concerns. none

Hello HA, my dog Martin had a dental with extractions on Tuesday and I've been giving him gabapentin since the surgery as it seemed like he needed it. The vet also provided Metacam, which I would prefer not to give him. Am I correct in thinking that Arnica can help with the healing instead of using Metacam? And I think the Arnica would be safe to give along with the gabapentin, is that right? This morning he was pawing at his mouth and sort of licking his mouth and so I want to make sure he heals, but ideally without using the Metacam. I have 10M Arnica (and lower potencies) and would plan to mix that up in a cup of water and offer a few drops via syringe as he won't let me near his mouth to use a Q-tip. Thank you in advance!
No problem with the gabapentin but after one dose of Arnica, you will probably not need Arnica. Also have Hypericum on hand as that is often needed for pain in nerve rich areas.
Drops via syringe, or offer a bowl of water, or even, if that sore - pour some on his paw so he can lick it off, or put into some bland food (cottage cheese, milk, rice, etc).

For anyone reading this and possibly having dental issues, do start the Arnica immediately after the dental.
Dr. Christina
No problem with the gabapentin but after one dose of Arnica, you will probably not need Arnica. Also have Hypericum on hand as that is often needed for pain in nerve rich areas.
Drops via syringe, or offer a bowl of water, or even, if that sore - pour some on his paw so he can lick it off, or put into some bland food (cottage cheese, milk, rice, etc).

For anyone reading this and possibly having dental issues, do start the Arnica immediately after the dental.
Dr. Christina
Thanks very much!
@Dr. Christina We’ve given him two doses of Arnica since yesterday afternoon. He seems a bit better but still is licking and seemingly trying to self soothe. He’s a bit shaky too. Is it OK to keep dosing the Arnica?

You also mentioned Hypericum. What is the potency you’d recommend and at what point would we switch to that?

Thank you!
@Dr. Christina We’ve given him two doses of Arnica since yesterday afternoon. He seems a bit better but still is licking and seemingly trying to self soothe. He’s a bit shaky too. Is it OK to keep dosing the Arnica?

You also mentioned Hypericum. What is the potency you’d recommend and at what point would we switch to that?

Thank you!
Good Morning! I'm getting very upset about Martin. He keeps licking all his legs and paws. He's still not back to normal. I'm making myself sick over this.I just don't understand how homeopathy works. I'm afraid to give him the Arnica because I think it may cause him harm. I pray he will recover from this.
Good Morning! I'm getting very upset about Martin. He keeps licking all his legs and paws. He's still not back to normal. I'm making myself sick over this.I just don't understand how homeopathy works. I'm afraid to give him the Arnica because I think it may cause him harm. I pray he will recover from this.
Are you giving the gabapentin? Someone I know had a dog that reacted badly to it.

Thank you for sharing about the dog having a bad reaction to the gabapentin! I stopped giving it to him and he was so much better! Thank you for your concern!
Thank you for sharing about the dog having a bad reaction to the gabapentin! I stopped giving it to him and he was so much better! Thank you for your concern!
You are welcome. I am so happy he is doing better.

You are welcome. I am so happy he is doing better.

Thank you. I still feel a little concerned now because he keeps licking his paws and his lips. Do you anything about Arnica ? I'm not sure if I should give it to him!
@Dr. Christina We’ve given him two doses of Arnica since yesterday afternoon. He seems a bit better but still is licking and seemingly trying to self soothe. He’s a bit shaky too. Is it OK to keep dosing the Arnica?

You also mentioned Hypericum. What is the potency you’d recommend and at what point would we switch to that?

Thank you!
Thank you. I still feel a little concerned now because he keeps licking his paws and his lips. Do you anything about Arnica ? I'm not sure if I should give it to him!
I am sorry but I am not experienced in the use of arnica. I wonder if he just needs more time to heal.

I am sorry but I am not experienced in the use of arnica. I wonder if he just needs more time to heal.

Thank you so much for caring. He is still trying to scratch his mouth and I'm still wondering if the Arnica is safe to give again. Have a good nite.
A good article - but he makes it seem a bit more complicated than it need be, even. ONE dose of arnica in 10M dissolved in water and a dropperful given by mouth should be plenty, but might - if needed, and only if needed - could be repeated some 12-24 hours later if it seems necessary by a return of pain. You can't hurt, but it just won't be necessary, most likely. Hypericum is more aimed at actual healing of the tissues - may help, but is not going to be necessary, I feel. It's just plumb amazing how well these little doses jump into the body and work - remember that amount doesn't count, and a single dose is likely all that is needed - but one more won't be a huge problem. I like the 10M for this application; it's a bit too much for most situations and remedies, but will work great here, quickly and thoroughly. I'm not a homeopath, but I've been taught well and paying attention:)
No problem with the gabapentin but after one dose of Arnica, you will probably not need Arnica. Also have Hypericum on hand as that is often needed for pain in nerve rich areas.
Drops via syringe, or offer a bowl of water, or even, if that sore - pour some on his paw so he can lick it off, or put into some bland food (cottage cheese, milk, rice, etc).

For anyone reading this and possibly having dental issues, do start the Arnica immediately after the dental.
Dr. Christina
Thanks to all for your thoughtful responses. I’ve looked at what you sent and searched this forum and elsewhere. I see some saying only one dose is needed and others saying it’s OK to dose as often as he is uncomfortable. It’s been 7 days since his extractions, and while he seems better, he is still licking his lips, pawing at his face, and generally not fully acting like himself. @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff I’d love your thoughts on whether I can keep dosing the Arnica or if we should try the Hypericum 30c I bought. Thank you!
Thanks to all for your thoughtful responses. I’ve looked at what you sent and searched this forum and elsewhere. I see some saying only one dose is needed and others saying it’s OK to dose as often as he is uncomfortable. It’s been 7 days since his extractions, and while he seems better, he is still licking his lips, pawing at his face, and generally not fully acting like himself. @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff I’d love your thoughts on whether I can keep dosing the Arnica or if we should try the Hypericum 30c I bought. Thank you!
I should add we’ve only given him 2 doses of Arnica 10M, one Friday eve, one Sat AM. Thank you!
Did you see any change in his comfort level on Sat. after dosing?
He did seem a little perkier after each dose, but he has continued to lick his lips and paw at his face, not constantly, but on and off throughout the days, so it seems there is some level of discomfort there. He is eating fine. Energy level down. Mood down. Not depressed, but not totally himself. It seems like it is taking him a while to bounce back to normal versus my other dogs who had dentals. Ultimately I just want to make sure he’s not uncomfortable and that he heals well. So I’m not sure if I should give him something or just let him recover at the pace he is recovering naturally.
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