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5-month old kitten refusing to eat, what to do?


VIP Member
Dec 28, 2023
I am starting a new thread. This morning, after leaving her breakfast out for over 2 hours, my kitten Bodhi still does not want to eat. I ruled out any paper disturbances in stomach and intestines from X-rays and ultra sound--it's all clear. I realize that the problem is likely energetic. It needs to be addressed energetically but that can take time ... use of appetite stimulants did work in the past though, but this should of course be a temporary measure.

I am playing energy balancing music, and am giving her feline D-stress homeopathic remedy, I am playing with her with a wand and feather, I am connecting with her through high vibrational interaction. I have added nutritional yeast on top of her food to stimulate appetite, which worked in the past, but not this morning. I have reintroduced lamb. She ate it last evening, so I know she likes it but now she doesn't want to eat.

I've given her a couple of her favorite treats and she ate that. Before, I would give her something crunchy to eat first, and this got her to eat her meal, but this morning this is not working.

I am meditating to keep myself from generating stressed out emotions ...

My regular veterinarian doesn't take urgent appointments and so I'll have to bring her to emergency hospital again where they will prescribe a medication... I think it's called mirtazapine, an anti-depression medication, which has among its side-effects, increased appetite... but possible side-effects also include constipation and nausea.

I have ordered Jackson Galaxy's Happy Tummy but I had to go to an international website since not easy to get it in Canada and it could take me up to 10 days before receiving it. This morning I hand fed her a morsel of food with 1/16 tsp of Adored Beast Felix' Flora, containing humic and fulvic acids, as detoxifiers, in case chemicals that could have leached out of the ingested paper got into her bloodstream and causing some nausea ... I added a bit of ginger (1/64 tsp) to her food but not of any use if not eating...

I would really appreciate guidance on what to do...she hasn't eaten in about 12 hours .... I have been posting on this subject for weeks now, and it's really getting worse.

@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve
Further to my post above, I'm reading up on what to do about appetite and I found out that liquid B12 can help.

I am taking that for myself: methylcobalamin...1 mg per 6 drops, diluted in glycerin, organic ethanol and purified water ... maybe this would not be suitable for cats due to the ethanol content?

I gave her nutritional yeast by hand and she licked it all up, it's fortified with vit B but not sure about absorbability

update at 12:30 pm EST:

I figured that her digestion may be off and that the lamb as what she ate last evening may be too difficult to digest at this time ... ideally I should give her gently cooked raw turkey but what I have contains bone so not a good idea. The best option I have is canned turkey, free-range and humanely raised, and adding digestive enzymes and pumpkin with some chia--she ate 30 grams of it (1/4 her daily intake, normally she eats about 120 grams of food per day), but I eventually had to hand feed her to eat that much. She did not want to finish the rest: 10 grams left over

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated
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It needs to be addressed energetically
but that can take time
Probably not in a 5 month young kitty. Especially if you are working with a trained vet homeopath.

D-stress homeopathic remedy
You might want to stop this combination "homeopathic" (not truly homeopathic) remedy. It can confuse her vitality and create further energetic entanglements.

I have added nutritional yeast on top of her food to stimulate appetite
And try cut up (or ground) freeze dried chicken hearts.

Have you offered her any human baby foods or tried sharing any of your foods with her?

You are very wise to know this needs to be addressed energetically and ideally by a Hahnemannian classical homeopath like Dr. Benson in Toronto or Dr. Shuli in Vancouver.
Or Wanda Vackeroth in Calgary works remotely.

While waiting for appointment, try: raw goats milk, cottage cheese, parmesan cheese or others, baby foods, tomato sauce or high calcium chicken broth (per Anitra Frazier - her book the Natural Cat has many good suggestions for any physical problems), canned fish (tuna, anchovies, sardines, mackeral, oysters, etc).

Also, Wysong has a powdered product that is full of nutrients that you could mix with water and can syringe feed if necessary. Dr. Dee Blanco uses a product with her older cat (22) to help appetite (not as a food, just as a treat to get her started eating) - Fussie Cat. Pets Global. Chicken Puree - in a plastic tube. Good ingredients though made in Thailand.

Dr. Christina
Which product were you referring to?


please advise

About the raw goat kefir, she doesn't always drink it, lately she showed no interest in it ... how long can I leave it out in a bowl at room temperature so that it's there when she feels thirsty for it?

P.S.: I have an appointment with Dr. Wanda Vackeroth scheduled for Nov 19
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Have you offered her any human baby foods or tried sharing any of your foods with her?
Yes, but she doesn't eat any of it: eggs, peas, carrots, blueberries, strawberries, bananas

I will try the freeze dried chick hearts
And more likely to eat lamb, beef, chicken - not veges and fruit - baby food.
more likely to eat lamb, beef, chicken
yes, the thing is that I'm vegetarian...as for PDG, I can't get it delivered in Canada and Jackson Galaxy's Happy Tummy will only be shipped on Nov. 12 so may only get it at the earliest, Nov 18.

about the baby food...what about the calcium for a kitten's growth?
@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve

Would it be possible that the paper she ingested could have led to irritation of the stomach lining and that is why her appetite is sluggish and it's just a matter of her stomach lining needing to heal?

I am thinking of ordering CBD for cats which could reduce any inflammation as a way to promote healing

would this be a good idea?

Also I gave her half dose of Felix Flora (1/16 tsp) first thing this morning with humic acid and fulvic acids, could this have upset her stomach? ... Actually it does help with inflammation:

"Fulvic acid is a naturally occurring compound present in certain foods and shilajit, a supplement used for centuries as folk medicine and traditional medicine systems such as Ayurveda in India. Recent research has shown that both elements have many therapeutic benefits, such as promoting brain function and reducing inflammation."

But then again, this is what I found in the same article:

Fulvic acid and shilajit side effects include:

But I'm wondering if even though she may have nausea today due to the fulvic acid, could this be part of the healing and that the fulvic acid in the background is helping with any inflammation of the stomach lining such that I could continue giving it to her but perhaps cut it in half say 1/32 tsp before bedtime tonight?

This is what I found:

How long do fulvic acid detox symptoms last?

Since fulvic and humic acid neutralize toxins and free radicals in the cells and is high in antioxidants, some may experience detox symptoms for the first few days. It is not uncommon to experience headaches, upset tummy and grogginess.

So perhaps she is experiencing detox symptoms ... could you please provide guidance ... I think I should continue giving it to her put half? or a quarter ? of today's dose?
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First, get an appointment with your choice of homeopathic vet - NOW!

When a cat is not eating, we do not need to worry about type of protein, nor of the calcium, nor taurine. She just needs to EAT - anything - even for a few weeks. Not to worry.

Detox unlikely.

How is her BEAM now?

Dr. Christina
How is her BEAM now?
Bodhi's BEAM: playful, energetic, happy with tail in the air.

It takes a long time to get a homeopath appointment, at least a couple of weeks. The best I can do is an appointment with Dr. Jeff tomorrow...but can he help us?

What do you think about CBD oil to treat any inflamed stomach lining and help with appetite?
CBD will not help with inflammation, that is not the system it works on.

The stomach lining heals very fast, a couple of days.

A few meals, even days, without supplements, i.e., baby food, is not a concern.

A sluggish appetite for half a day, or even a day, is not a concern, either.

I only would worry about trends, or if her BEAM is off.
Dr. Jeff is an awesome homeopathic veterinarian, so becoming his client is a great idea.
Dr. christina
Animals, even those who have suffered insults or trauma in previous situations, don't need a heck of a lot of "fancy" adjuncts to get them started. You have all provided the most important and valuable thing already: love and caring. I would advise keeping things quite simple for a while, if not "forever", by sticking to a carnivore-appropriate diet of raw meat and a bit of bone, for both cats and dogs - and not adding, or worse, depending upon, a bunch of supplemental additions of a non-meat, and certainly non-species-appropriate, nature. Sardines are lovely - in moderation - and there are many adequate and reasonably well-balanced dried or freeze-dried blends to use as staples. The most important "supplement" is LOVE, not fussing, just love and lots of handling and together time. Watch and wait, and seek out good homeopathic care which can guide their little systems without confusing them with all sorts of non-food, from their standpoint, adjuncts. You have the rest of their lives to get a handle on their natural proclivities and any "special" needs, but in most cases there's no reason to suspect they need or can actually handle anything other than a nice simple appropriate diet right now. In fact, stability and simplicity in diet will only aid you in showing you what is the best way to help them reach their potential.
Thank you Ginny for your input ... I'm following your advice...Today, November 7, Bodhi weighs exactly the same as when I weighed her on October 25 ... But instead of worrying myself to bits, I'm spending more bonding time with her ... Her appetite is continuing to decline for some odd reason but I'm telling myself it's her body needing to take a break and is focusing on what needs readjusting inside. But she does climb on me to be hand fed for the time being ... I have to trust that all is well
Update: Bodhi has lower energy today but when she woke up a little while ago, I gave her warmed up turkey bone broth by syringe and she was quite okay with that and took in 2 teaspoon ... :)
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