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15 yo Samantha ( not my dog) refusing to eat


Community Member
Feb 4, 2023
Hello everyone,

For the next 2 weeks I’m taking care of 15 yo 45 lbs dog with the mobility issues, also on the thyroid med (0.3 mg once a day) , Enalapril (10 mg once a day) and the bunch of the vitamins (I’m not sure if there is any probiotic, but will ask). My friends left for vacation and I couldn’t say ‘no’ to the dog, not the owners. she was the best friend of my two boys I lost more then 2 years ago but Samantha is still here. I was told she didn’t have a lot of issues, the blood test are fine, the blood pressure med is just in case, she has a light murmur. She sleeps a lot, she is able to walks with difficulties for 30 min outside , she is upset bc her family left.. I think she exibits some signs of dementia especially after 6 pm. She pooped once in 2 days and diligently relieves her self outside.

She drinks enormous amount of water and doesn’t have an appetite. Her diet is 1 cup of Origen chicken kibbles, Nutro Rosted Turkey in Gravy ( 1 pack) and home made chicken soup mixed together twice a day.
i have her for 2 days, she ate once yesterday at 6 pm. Since then she refused the food or treats I offered. I administered 0.5 ml ENTYCE today at 2 pm and so far she didn’t express any interest in her food.

I will appreciate any advice on the irresistible food additive, toppers, flavor enhancement or other ways to spike her appetite and interest in food.


Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Elena!

I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your boys.😢

I'm so glad you get to spend some time with Samantha.
I will appreciate any advice on the irresistible food additive, toppers, flavor enhancement or other ways to spike her appetite and interest in food.
Is there any fresh food she loves (eggs, chicken, veggies, fruits, etc.)? Will she eat the chicken soup by itself?

How about freeze dried chicken hearts or one of these (i think there is an HA! discount for Clear Conscience toppers):



Community Member
Feb 4, 2023
Thank you very much for your advice Dr. Jeff. Samantha is better today and ate her meal. I ordered the Dog Gravy, baked the chicken and will try the different foods you suggested. I will keep trying and hope for the best.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
YW Elena!

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