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liver cancer

  1. T

    Canine - diagnosis of likely spleen tumors into liver - possible support?

    Good evening -- please find the following information: Create one forum thread per pet. If you have more than one case, create a thread for each animal. Your pet's name -- Charlie Approximate age - 10 Sex - Male Neutering status - Neutered Breed -- Min Poodle mix (shih tzu but mainly...
  2. BethS

    High possibility for pancreatic and liver cancer in my cat Quando- what Therapy would be best?

    Dear HA Team Quando, my 7-11 year old shelter cat has lost weight within the last two to three months and his coat looked less shiny to me. He seemed to scratch himself more. Occasionally, he had a runny eye. As he spends most time outdoors, examination of stool was difficult but if indoors he...
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