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Wonderful! I will get those supplements you recommended. Thank you so much for your help!!
I have a few more dietary questions:
Are there specific foods/veggies that you would recommend for his diet plan? Foods to avoid?
I'm also wondering if you recommend a certain way to cook his food (boil...
Hello! I just wanted to say thank you so much for recommending CUVS for Biscuit. They were able to do the surgery and remove his large mass, it was attached to the spleen so they removed the spleen as well. This surgery essentially saved his life and bought us more time with him, so I cannot...
Hello! My 14 year old cockapoo Biscuit (25 lbs) was just diagnosed with a large abdominal mass from an x-ray. We took him to the vet after we noticed him acting unusual for a couple days (little appetite, very tired, panting, black feces, etc...). They said there was mild fluid coming from the...