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Search results

  1. S

    Struvite Crystals (FLUTD) TOBY :)

    Oh wow! Thanks so much for the very informative and quick reply. This site is so insightful! I’ll definitely try all those suggestions! Toby and Winston don’t really love the royal canon wet food. It seems like they just tolerate it because it’s there. Toby hasn’t had any issues with urinary...
  2. S

    Struvite Crystals (FLUTD) TOBY :)

    1. Your pet's name-- Toby 2. Approximate age-- 4 This year in August 3. Sex-- Male 4. Neutering status--Yes he has been neutered. 5. Breed--Tuxedo/ short hair 6. Approximate weight-- unkown 7. What's their BEAM: Behavior-- Gentle, loves cuddles. A little scared of people but very scare...
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