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Search results

  1. M

    Best dog diet for bladder stones

    Thank you 🐕
  2. M

    Best dog diet for bladder stones

    Henry's bladder stone Results are back, 92% Calcium oxalate and 8% calcium phosphate. Currently have him on Raw wild Dog food. Curious if there is a Balanced raw food diet Design Specifically to Prevent bladder stone formation. Thank you
  3. M

    Best dog diet for bladder stones

    Thanks doctor Jean for your reply. Doctor does not think they Are stuvite stones, will let you know in a couple of weeks when we get back the results. Have my boy Henry on we feed raw Dog food just ordered from raw wild, wondering if people have opinions of these or other companies that are are...
  4. M

    Best dog diet for bladder stones

    I'm looking for recommendations For the best Diet to feed my 10 year-old male mixed breed Dog Who just had bladder stones removed yesterday. I expressed to my vet I wanted to feed fresh raw Which he seemed open to. He encouraged me to go to balance it.com He says we will talk specifically about...
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