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@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina
Greetings to you both and a couple of questions...
First thing is our dog Peaches (11yo spayed female bichon-maltese mix, 10lbs, good BEAM, all standard vaccines up until she was 6, no medications currently) seems to have some redness and slight swelling in her vulva...
@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff
I wanted to write you both a quick follow up to let you know that we followed your advice and here's what happened:
1. The compress worked to heal the anal gland abscess and we did not need to go to the vet to have it drained etc. Yay!
2. Subsequently I noticed what...
@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Barbara
My husband and I would like to travel with our dog Peaches (11yo spayed female bichon-maltese mix, 10lbs, good BEAM, all standard vaccines up until she was 6, no medications currently) but are wary of giving her the standard rabies vaccine...
I am new to this forum, literally having just joined yesterday! Good timing because I happen to be traveling for work and heard from my husband tonight that our little Peaches (10yo, female, bichon/maltese mix) seems to have an infected anal gland. I am so glad I can post here as...