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Something remarkable is happening in my life, and my husband I both think that it is related to learning the Bengston method. It would be impossible to write a thorough account of the many synchronicities and beneficial shifts that are happening, but I'll describe some of the highlights to open...
Dr. Jean, I'm working my way through your book and I went to the website for Only Natural Pet Food. A few months ago we got Sammy completely off dry food and onto wet food (Fancy Feast), and in the last month he's begun to eat a little raw food. I'm looking for the healthiest, most inviting...
I ended up okaying the IV so that Sammy will have fluids going into the weekend. When he gets home I'll see how he's doing and redose the Calc 30. Super grateful for the help!
Thanks, Dr. Christina! How do I do Sub Q fluids at home? The vet recommended a three day IV, and I'm in the process of talking to them about scheduling it. If I could do the Sub Q fluids, I'd rather do that, especially since they want $2k +. They also want to do an ultrasound. I agreed to...
Thank you so much for all these suggestions! I am reading the play therapy book, Dr. Jean, and am learning a lot. I have switched from my plastic bowls to ceramic plates for starters!
Our cat Sammy took a turn for the worse on Monday and isn't eating at all for the last four days. He did...