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Search results

  1. L

    Melanoma 'Vaccine'

    My 12-year dog had a cancerous growth removed from her mouth a few weeks ago. The local vet recommends an oncologist visit and HIGHLY recommends the Melanoma 'Vaccine' if the cancer has spread. Well, I, like most or all of you, do not believe in vaccines (well, other than rabies because in the...
  2. L

    Dog Has Hot Spot on Tail

    My 10.5 year old dog has a hotspot on her tail. What's the best thing to do for her? I have been spraying it with diluted Apple Cider vinegar and it has helped a little. Thanks
  3. L

    Torn CCLs in 3 year old dog. Operation Best???

    OPERATION OR NOT?? My 2-year dog has been having difficulty sitting normally. She went for x-rays the other day and she was diagnosed with torn CCLs in both knees. The vet wants her to see a surgeon. I was told that IF she had an operation, her knees could only be repaired to around 75%/85%...
  4. L

    Fi Tracking Collar. Is it safe?

    @Dr. Beth @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Sara @Dr. Sue @Dr.Jody @Dr.Liza @Dr.Melissa @dr_ judy herman Anyone know of the Fi Dog Collar? Its safety? The Fi collar company does list safety info on their site: Is the Fi collar safe for my dog? Does it emit radiation? – Fi Help Center...
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