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Search results

  1. TammiL

    Kidney Dis-Ease in Cat

    Hello! Chewey used to see Dr. Jeff but has not in a little while. Chewey was diagnosed with Kidney disease from my regular Vet located near me. I have started going through the Modules in the Resource Library and will continue. Chewey is a long haired american MALE, Birthdate: 7.24.2008 - He...
  2. TammiL

    Cat L eye squinty, shook head and 1 vomit

    @Dr. Jean, @Dr. Jeff, @Dr. Christina My short haired cat, Tigger, who is 7 or 8 years old has had a little discharge from her eyes recently. Reddish/brown, and for a couple days now she goes to eat and starts to eat but then you see her almost squint like smelling something horrible or like we...
  3. TammiL

    Cat vomit hairball almost choked, eating less,... a worry?????

    My cat, Chewey, 13, long haired Domestic was having difficulty with constipation. Gave him Chia gel with 6x the amount of water to soak them in since I couldn't separate and just give him the liquid portion. First time I did it several weeks ago, he ended up throwing up 4 days in a row TONS of...
  4. TammiL

    Cats and Wyman's Blueberry Juice

    My 2 cats, Chewey and Tigger, absolutely LOVE Wyman's Blueberry Juice in a bottle. The ingredients says Wild Blueberry Juice. I place HALF of 1/4 tsp on their food 2x a day and they will eat every ounce of probiotics and chia oil that I have put in their food with the blueberry juice mixed in...
  5. TammiL

    Colon Rescue by Animal Essentials for CATS to aid with constipation

    Hello, Chewey and Tigger, my cats were having constipation issues on raw diet frozen food. Dr. Jeff recommended Colon Rescue by Animal Essentials. The dose for cats is 0.5 to 1ml (2-3 times a day) 0.5 is about 11 drops. I gave them 3 drops on 1/2 and 3 drops on 1/3. Tigger: Female 7 years...
  6. TammiL

    Chia Seeds/gel/oil for Cat constipation

    Hello Dr. Jeff or anyone who wants to chime in! :0) My 2 cats, Chewey and Tigger, raw fed are having an issue with constipation and some raw foods make it worse. It was mentioned on the Holistic Actions for Animals Facebook page to use Chia Gel. Chewey is long hair and Tigger is short hair...
  7. TammiL

    GI Balance Supplement for Cats

    I have 2 cats both with bowel issues. They both seem to get constipated and their whole life has been a bowel movement per day. They are both licking more and Chewey, who works with Dr. Jeff, is itching more than he was. On my trip to the cat store they suggested Super Snouts GI Balance for...
  8. TammiL

    Papaya Enzymes

    Hello, QUESTIONS ABOUT PAPAYA ENZYMES FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN GIVING PAPAYA ENZYMES TO THEIR CATS TO AID IN DIGESTION and HAIRBALLS. My cat Chewey has been doing well with his new food.....Darwin's Pet. Started him with chicken. I have been giving him vaseline and he is "pooping" nicely with...
  9. TammiL

    Pulsatilla 30c

    Hello Dr. Jeff, Update for Chewey who was itching, vomiting and having some issues with some constipation...... Started Pulsatilla 30c 10 wacks at 11:50pm on 8.4.21 ITCHING: Slowly getting worse but in last 2-3 days much worse. Noticed more on 8th, 9 tumbleweeds of hair on 9th overnight and...
  10. TammiL

    Ultra Oil for cats

    Hi, I was at a somewhat local store and they offered a sample of Ultra Oil. I am attaching the description of it. Would this be a good oil to TRY to give my cats Chewey or Tigger since they are both itchy and have had some dandruff within the past year?
  11. TammiL

    Cat treated with Pulsatilla 12c Itchy and Vomiting

    Hi Dr. Jeff! 6.12.21 - Chewey threw up again, a 2-1/4 long x 3/4 thick hair log. He threw up within 3-5 minutes of pooping in the litter box. Poop same color as it has been yellow mostly dry and crumbly some with hair inside and others not. His beam was still good, I held him in my arms for 10...
  12. TammiL

    Pulsatilla and itchy cat with little blood on stool

    My itchy cat Chewey received Pulsatilla 6c 10 wacks prior to each daily dose. We have upped him to 15 wacks and every other day dosing. Chewey has been on this for a week. I noticed he started getting itchier mid week. That was also when we switched from trying to get it inside Chewey's...
  13. TammiL

    Cat sleeping with tongue hanging out

    Hello, I had no idea where to place something such as this so please place where it would be more appropriate if need be. My cat was sleeping and she had her tongue sitting out of her mouth just hanging there. She did look at times like she was dreaming a little and her tongue would move...
  14. TammiL

    ALLERGIES - Itching, biting, licking paws, legs, chest, feet, privates and constipation (from ingesting too much hair probably)

    Hello, I am not too sure how this works but I am going to give it a whirl and hope for the best and learn as I go! So, thank you all for being patient with me. O.k I have 2 cats with allergies to "something" I haven't figured it out yet. :0( Chewey-Long Haired American 12 years old...
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