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Search results

  1. J

    2 year old Golden Retriever vomiting

    Hi My almost 2 year old Golden Retriever (not spayed) eating mostly raw food diet) and generally good BEAM has vomited for the past two mornings. Her appetite seems good though after vomiting this morning it took her a little while to get excited to eat but she eventually did. She’s been...
  2. J

    Salt Water and Trigger for Seizures

    Hi, I’m looking for some guidance as we leave for vacation this week and will be taking our Golden Retriever, 1-1/2 years old….My question has to do with whether she should be allowed to swim in salt water. I’m asking because our last Golden, a male who had seizures did swim in salt water when...
  3. J

    1-1/2 yr GoldenRetriever in heat cycle

    Hi I have a specific question related to the heat cycle….Sophie has not bled in a few days. I think that this is the time that she is most fertile. Does anyone know how long this lasts in general? She’s doing fine, I’ve been keeping her on a leash and I’m out backyard as I don’t want her to...
  4. J

    Underweight Golden Retriver on raw diet?

    Hi, My Golden Retriever, Sophie, 17 months old, seems to be underweight. I’m not sure what her weight is now, last time at the vet she was 65lbs. Though you can see her ribs and she’s quite thin. Her BEAM seems very good to me, though behavior wise, she is eating sticks in out backyard when...
  5. J

    8-1/2 month golden retriever in season for first time

    Hello, I’m wondering if anyone can tell me what would be expected in terms of how long the heat cycle will last, what if anything I can do to support our puppy? I’ve only owned male dogs in the past so this is new for me. Overall, Sophie seems fine, though a bit more withdrawn….She has light...
  6. J

    Dog was excited about raw food, last two days, not eating it.

    Hi I’m wondering if you can help me. My Golden, Sophie was started on raw food as per your suggestions. She’s had OC Raw lamb….The first week, she loved it and was so excited to eat it. I made this switch as Dr Jeff felt it would be helpful especially as she is supposed to get her first...
  7. J

    Started Young Dog on Raw Diet

    Hello, we finally started Sophie on raw food. We were advised by the owner of the health food store to gradually introduce it, so we’re in the process of weaning her from a high quality kibble, which I know that sounds like an oxymoron….Anyway, we have noticed some more energy in Sophie, and an...
  8. J

    How does I give raw food to dog when I’m so anxious about it’s “rawness”?!

    Hello, I understand the benefits of feeding raw food, have bought some that I’m ready to give her, and while Dr Jeff was so helpful in alleviating my fears, I’m wondering if I can ask specifically, will any of us (me, my kids) be exposed to any contamination of the raw food? For instance, I’m...
  9. J

    Giardia and getting rid of it naturally?

    Hello, I posted my first question about a rabies vaccine for my 6 month old Golden Retriever and got lots of great information. One question I asked was whether I should retest for giardia since she had it confirmed with a stool sample about a month ago. Dr Jeff advised that this would be...
  10. J

    Guidance on getting my 6 month old Golden Retriever a Rabies vaccine

    Hello, I’m new to this forum, but not to homeopathy. I’d like to understand what I can do to ensure a safe outcome as I’m going to get our dog a rabies vaccine….she is a healthy 6 month old female, has had a first round of parvo and distemper at 7 weeks by the breeder…. at 15 weeks she had the...
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