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Search results

  1. tsharlo1

    Kennel cough

    Buxton contracted kennel cough. He didn’t have direct contact with any dogs that were known to have kennel cough at the time but they came down with it 4 days later. 10 days later Buxton started with a hacking cough and spitting up white foam. I gave him throat coat tea with manuka honey. 24...
  2. tsharlo1

    Ultrasound results

    Buxton is a 10 1/2 yo Bernese Mountain Dog and his BEAM has been quite variable the past several weeks. Appetite has always been good but Mood and Energy have been a concern ranging from 5-8. He has degenerative lumbar sacral stenosis, arthritis in 3 legs and is Lyme positive. He has been on a...
  3. tsharlo1

    Electro acupuncture

    What are the pros and cons of electro acupuncture vs dry needles? Are there specific reasons to use one approach or the other? Buxton has lumbo sacral stenosis and electro acupuncture has been suggested. The vet who I usually go to has always used dry needles but I’m not able to get another...
  4. tsharlo1

    Supplements for OA

    Buxton, 10 yo Bernese Mountain Dog, has arthritis in both knees, left elbow and has spondylitis. He also has lyme (662 on C6). He still enjoys sniffing but doesn’t want to do a usual walk and will stop and tell me to turn around and go back. He has been on Four Leaf Rover Hip and Joint for a...
  5. tsharlo1

    Mange exposure

    There was a fox hanging around on our deck and roaming the property. It was itching a lot while on the deck and stayed a while. His coat looked mangy and/or flea bitten. I picked up poop in 3 different places on the yard and driveway and then poured bleach on the spot. I talked with our local...
  6. tsharlo1

    Treatment after dog neutering surgery today

    Buxton, 10 yo BMD, was neutered today due to prostatitis. I gave him Arnica 10m last night. They gave me Rimadyl to start tomorrow as an anti-inflammatory and for pain to give for 7 days. Also Gabapentin tonight for pain and for 5 days. If I give him Arnica will that take the place of both...
  7. tsharlo1

    BioPower Pet Shield

    Has anyone heard of or used the BioPower Pet Shield for ticks? It’s a tag that has to be worn all the time. Instructions & FAQs - BioPower Pet Tag Natural Flea Tick Repellent thank you for your comments Debbie
  8. tsharlo1

    Leela Quantum Tech

    Is anyone familiar with Leela Quantum Tech? They have dog and cat collars and I wonder if they could be helpful? https://leelaq.com below is their description of the collars: Quantum energy is one of the most fascinating transformation tools of our time, and its positive effects can not only...
  9. tsharlo1

    Buxton's panting and the diagnosis of arthritis in dogs

    During last night's webinar I talked about Buxton's panting and there were several suggestions. Thank you @Dr. Christina for offering to post them here. Buxton is an 8 yo Bernese Mountain Dog. He has been holistically raised since he was born and I have had appointments with @Dr. Jeff too...
  10. tsharlo1

    VDI testing

    I had testing done at VDI for Buxton and his magnesium and B12 were both low normal and supplementation was recommended. They recommended their topical lotion magnesium-lotion-for-pets . Has anyone used that product? Do you recommend lotion or trying to add pumpkin seeds or chia seeds or more...
  11. tsharlo1

    Not eating due to stress

    Buxton had a very stressful weekend and went off his food and still is not eating and not interested in his usual activities. My kids were here for the weekend so our routine wasn’t the same but to make it worse Buxton quickly told us my daughter’s female dog, Bea, had something going on. Buxton...
  12. tsharlo1

    Sarcoptic mange

    Buxton has been itching the past month or so. Initially I thought maybe it was environmental allergies though he hasn’t had a problem in the past. He has gotten progressively worse especially the past few days. I took him to the vet and he has sarcoptic mange. The vet suggested Revolution or...
  13. tsharlo1

    7 yo BMD with Arthritis

    Buxton is a 7yo intact male BMD. He has been raw fed his entire life and rabies is the only vaccine he has had. At 2 yo OFA X-rays were done and showed grade 2 elbow with DJD and FCP. He has not had any issues with that elbow until recently. He has had Trixsyn and green lipped mussel for several...
  14. tsharlo1

    Adenocarcinoma of the thyroid

    I'm looking for comments about adenocarcinoma of the thyroid. About 2 months ago my brother took in an 8.5 yo golden retriever when the previous owner passed away. The dog is a very sweet boy and transitioned nicely to my brother's home. The vet found a 3 cm lump on his larynx and did a fine...
  15. tsharlo1

    Diarrhea after ice cream

    Buxton had a small amount of ice cream for the first (and last!!) time last Tuesday. That night he had to go out 3 times during the night and had diarrhea. I have been giving him boiled hamburger with either rice or oatmeal. I have also added broth to his water because he wasn't drinking much...
  16. tsharlo1

    Panacur and cancer

    My functional medicine doctor was talking to me about using Panacur for cancer in people. There have been many success stories about it and it was discussed at a medical conference she recently attended. Has anyone used it for cancer with pets? What are your thoughts?
  17. tsharlo1

    steps following an aggravation

    Kedron's last dose of Rhus Tox was 200c on May 21and she was much worse the day after the dose. It seems it was the correct remedy but the potency caused an aggravation. Beginning the 2nd day following the dose she started improving. In thinking about next steps for her I believe I should wait...
  18. tsharlo1

    Question about Movoflex

    I have been using Fidoplex from Wondercide but they have discontinued that product. Comments about Movoflex which is also an eggshell membrane supplement? Thank you! Debbie
  19. tsharlo1

    Paw wax recipe

    Recipe for paw wax. 3 oz beeswax 3 Tbs coconut oil 3 Tbs calendula oil 3 Tbs avocado oil Melt all ingredients together over low heat and then pour in mold to harden. Works great to protect paws from road salt, ice, frigid temps and keeps snow from balling up. Also works to protect their feet...
  20. tsharlo1

    Fleas from rodents

    We have voles and mice around and Kedron thinks of them as a delicacy. She just caught another one yesterday. I have not found any inside but signs of several outside. I am wondering if the dogs could be getting fleas from them and if so what can I do about it? Debbie
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