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Thank you, Dr. Jeff!
I just ordered it on Amazon. By the way, I used the probiotic spray you recommended when Buddy had the skin eruptions (prednisone-induced!:rolleyes3:) in April for another application. It was very soothing for his rear when he had the loose stools. I would apply it with a...
@Dr. Jeff
hi Dr. Jeff! I hope you are well!
We have had our ups and downs these past two months! Buddy's prednisone was increased last month as a first step in stopping the seizures he was having regularly in May. The "petit mal" didn't stop, and he got diarrhea twice in about a month, pretty...
hi again!
The town will not refuse us the parvo vaccine, as the clerk I spoke with said it is not a state law, but a city ordinance. So I can get Buddy his updated tag. These little things seem to mean a lot, because they are what we have always done, and it helps me feel like this is life as...
Dr. Jeff, I just went in and reenabled notifications. I guess if you log out, you have to reenable. It's likely I logged out at some point. I hope I start receiving them again!
Actually, I do get Alerts on the website, but I haven't been receiving the email notices, like about upcoming webinars...
Thank you, Ginny and Dr. Jeff!
I just called the town. If they will license Buddy without revaccination, great! Both Dr. Jeff and an emergency vet who attended Buddy agreed that the vaccine is not in his best interest at this time, so maybe the town will understand. If not, he wears last year's...
P.S. Buddy has a healthy appetite and totally enjoys his food and treats. He takes mile-long walks, as that is an ideal length for him at this point. He sleeps a lot, but still enjoys walks, drives, short play times. He is not as crazy as he was as a younger pup, but he still has his moments. So...
@Dr. Jeff
Hi Dr. Jeff!
After the week of diarrhea, and antibiotic with probiotic treatment, Buddy recovered nicely from the diarrhea, but was continuing to have petit mal seizures, some lasting a long time off and on. Long story short, he is still on phenobarbital and prednisone, and now...
hi Dr. Jeff!
Thank you for this valuable information, and always answering so promptly and compassionately. Buddy has not had a seizure since Sunday, nor a barking jag. He, however, developed severe diarrhea. He IS better, however. He is on metronidazole and probiotics, and entirely off...
@Dr. Jeff
hi again!
Buddy went eight days without a seizure until yesterday, when he went into one of his barking jags that seems neurological to me, maybe a type of seizure? He looks crazed and doesn't want me to touch him. They last an hour or two. Last week, it seemed I could distract Buddy...
@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve
Hi! I wanted to give you an update on Buddy. Dr. Jeff, we spoke with you in January. You may remember we were planning a trip to CA for my son's wedding ceremony, and I was very reluctant to leave Buddy. Long story very short, I got Covid, and that was...
@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve
Ann & Buddy here! Buddy's titer last week revealed he no longer has the immunity to parvo. He is the dog with a glioblastoma who is doing quite well at the moment. I can't get a license in my town without a vaccine or titer test. I believe I can pay a...
Thank you so much, Dr. Jeff and Dr. Jean!!!
I think I will order the spray and buy Aveeno, to conserve funds. This is valuable advice and so very much appreciated! I am rooting for Buddy to do exceeding abundantly better than the doctor's initial diagnosis. He seems so well to me, except that...
@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Sara
Dr. Jeff, we had a phone consult with you in January. To the other doctors: I tagged you because you have communicated with me in the past.
Last week, Buddy went to the doggy neurologist who is treating his brain cancer and who did the palate...
@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina @Dr. Sara
I found two engorged ticks on Buddy this week. We had walked in the woods on Thursday last week (3/14/24). I removed them with a tick stick and cleaned with alcohol. I have an appointment to have him tested for antibodies in a month. I don't want to have to...
@Dr. Jeff
This is an old thread. I found two engorged ticks on Buddy this week. We had walked in the woods on Thursday last week, one week ago. I removed them with a tick stick and cleaned with alcohol. I have an appointment to have him tested for antibodies in a month. I don't want to have to...
I couldn't figure out how to tag Dr. Christina and Dr. Sara, as the video tutorial suggested. Any comments welcome from vets and members. Thank you! :)
1. Your pet's name 2. Approximate age 3. Sex 4. Neutering status 5. Breed 6. Approximate weight 7. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy...