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Search results

  1. Dr. Jeff

    Focal Seizures

    How about Dr. Alvarez or Dr. Seo: https://www.wemakepetsbetter.com/staff https://smithridge.com/dr-seo
  2. Dr. Jeff

    Focal Seizures

    OK, so you're ruling out a virtual homeopathic vet (which is how many of us work). And a remote energy healer would work. Is that correct? If it is, how about Carol Komitor or someone here: https://discover.healingtouchprogram.com/htp-home Other options are to try things like the ketogenic...
  3. Dr. Jeff

    Focal Seizures

    BTW-This is called "palliation" (of symptoms) rather than cure (of the underlying energetic balance).
  4. Dr. Jeff

    Focal Seizures

    Great question! What this means is that when an energetic dis-ease is addressed physically it will continue to grow. However this is a theoretical answer and may not translate to a clinical situation. In other words, even though the energetic imbalance may be growing, this may not equate to...
  5. Dr. Jeff

    IPhone App to Track Symptoms

    Wow, thanks for starting to develop this app.📱 It's a great idea!😍
  6. Dr. Jeff

    Focal Seizures

    Yes! If you're referring to anticonvulsants, then yes they should be a last resort IMHO. Whereas homeopathy is the mainstay of this treatment. Focal seizures are an energetic dis-ease often related to vaccination. When did Peanut's seizures begin? You mentioned that they are daily. Once...
  7. Dr. Jeff

    Lymphoma & EBV

    Perhaps see how he does with 1/2 dropper 1-2x a day.
  8. Dr. Jeff

    Lymphoma & EBV

    You may want to avoid avoid oral use if you are considering adding a vet homeopath to Bug's vet care team. Silver is also a potent homeopathic remedy that can confuse the case. Does he like it? If he does, then perhaps let his bowels be your guide. Feed proportionally to his preference (use...
  9. Dr. Jeff

    Organic soil for cats' litter boxes

    It looks good to me as long as there aren't other things added other than what they list. You may have to try different soils with different consistencies to find one that Pipi likes.
  10. Dr. Jeff

    Lola and mast cell tumor

    YW my friend!
  11. Dr. Jeff

    Lola and mast cell tumor

    Great question Judy! The most important thing to know when it comes to a mast cell tumor is that it's a result of an internal energetic and not a physical issue. Even more important than any supplement is keeping Lola in her "sweet spot". In other words, doing the things that she loves the...
  12. Dr. Jeff

    Lymphoma & EBV

    It was lovely chatting today Anna! Please let us know what your vet says on Mon.
  13. Dr. Jeff

    Electro acupuncture

    Hey Deb! Great question. There are subtle physiological differences, but I think it primarily depends on the individual vet's experience and preferences. This article may help (it says better "quick" pain relief with electroacupuncture)...
  14. Dr. Jeff

    Vegan food for cats

    Thanks so much for sharing Nancy!
  15. Dr. Jeff

    Lymphoma & EBV

    Hey Anna! I'm super sorry to hear about Bug's health challenge. And am very glad that e is doing so well on the pred. Are you still only using 5mg of pred? Fantastic! That's the goal of HA! as well. Regardless of age, "diagnosis" or what an anyone says. Yes. I couldn't agree more. What are...
  16. Dr. Jeff

    Vegan food for cats

    Yes. Do you also add any vitamins/minerals like: https://felineinstincts.com/product/my-natural-cat-raw-meat-premix/
  17. Dr. Jeff

    Vegan food for cats

    She needs to gnaw on the neck to be most effective. Typically, the bigger the better and often holding the neck by her mouth where you'd like to see her chewing works best. Regarding her teeth? If so, probably not.
  18. Dr. Jeff

    Vegan food for cats

    Not me. Most of the vegan cats I know are eating a home-prepared diet. Will she eat any of your food? BTW-Maybe try raw chicken or turkey necks for her teeth. They are usually more help than a vegan diet.
  19. Dr. Jeff

    Collie Seasonal Allergies - Help Please

    Yes! They work in two totally different ways. Drugs and supplements work on the physical level while homeopathy works on the energetic level. Yes, palliative drugs can make assessing the symptom more difficult. However, there are many ways to assess his progress. That's one of the reasons why...
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