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Homeopathic treatment for anxiety around nail clipping?


Community Member
Aug 3, 2024
1. Brie, 5 mo.s female
2. intact
3. miniature poodle
4. weight - 10 lbs
5. BEAM - Behaviour, energy and mood good. Likes to eat mainly in the evening
6. Diet - lightly cooked variety of meat, pureed raw veg, egg, sardine and supplements
7. Vaccination history - has received one round of DAP vaccine
8. No other medications or exposure to toxins
9. Loves to be held and picked up. Has no objection to being touched
10 & 11 No other health concerns.
Have been playing with her feet, nails, ears and teeth since she was 9 weeks. Started clipping at 10 weeks, (following Dr. Shoemaker's video), and no problems until I accidentally cut the quick of one nail about a month ago. I have been trying to desensitize her to the nail clippers, with no success. I had a little terrier like this once, and I had to resort to a sedative. Before I do so, is there a homeopathic treatment to ease the anxiety she has around this procedure
Hi Janet!

Welcome to HA! and thanks for making your first post about Brie.

She sounds like a super special and precious pup!

Her nail clipping challenges will most certainly be transcended with the patience and persistence that you have already demonstrated.

What does Brie love the most?

A special treat, game, toy, sniff walk, a ride in the car, or...

IMHO your very best strategy is to start associating the clippers, and eventually the clippers, with a state of happiness.

Bundle your re-training her to accept the clippers along with that special activity. In other words, use the Happiness Protocol:

HA! faculty and dog trainer @jenbridwell is currently traveling, but maybe she'll also eventually be able to reply.
Oh, and unlike general holistic supplements like CBDs, gaba, theanine, etc. homeopathic medicines need to be individualized.

Long term homeopathic treatment would be wonderful for helping Brie live her best life, but the remedies are not generally used for your current challenge with doing her nails.
And our speakers Irith Bloom and Bryndon Goalya each do virtual consulting.

Glad you are following Dr. Judith's ideas.
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