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Can food she eats but not eating enough calories. So she is losing a bit of weight. Wanted to know if a good high calorie supp that I can feed with syringe. To supplement the canned food she is eating.
Dog has cancer she has been in remission for a year now she is eating less. She is maintaining weight she eats after a car ride and short walk. She has squamous cell cancer been working with a homeopath that Christina chambrau recommended in charlotte. He is really good. When do you know that...
Thanks for the info. Anyone know a good herbal antibiotic. My pup has a little nasal discharge from right nostril. ? t is clear mucus. I am currently giving ecunacea/ goldenseal mixture.
What is a good natural supplement for bad breath my pup of 9 years old has bad breath after cancer. Any help is appreciated. Happy new year too all on this wonderful site.
Thanks for the eye supplement info. My eight year old pup is doing great she has 80 percent of her sight back. She is having some allergy issues any ideas on alternatives for clear drainage and sneezing issues. Thanks for all your help in our babies journey. Happy holidays to all. We got a...
I believe last Thursday Lucy regained partial sight and is back to her normal self. If anyone knows of any eye supplements or herbs I can add to her food to strengthen her eyes I would appreciate the feedback.
Thank you for the info. Last Thursday Lucy began walking around like she had gotten partial vision back. The last few days she was jumping on and off the couch and following my wife around without hesitation. I think that her vision had resurfaced not totally but partially. She is exhibiting...
After two weeks of training Lucy has learned where everything is in the living room. She knows where water is located. She walks by herself just with verbal cues. The other day she had walked by herself from living room to back bedroom. She is doing well despite her blindness. Thanks for all...
Thanks for all your help. Had a question about pain. How do I know when my dog is in pain. What are the signs and symptoms of pain. You guys have lots of experience and probably know best. What are the best homeopathic medicines for pain if it is present. I know homeopathy doesn’t work that...
We got Lucy’s blood tests back and everything was good. We had a tick test done and she had gotten a tick borne bacteria. Our regular vet wants to give her antibiotics. We are going to ask our vet in charlotte if this is ok. They are closed till Monday. Any suggestions on giving her antibiotics?
I notice looking at training site that they don’t talk about blind dog training. We have been using a harness to walk her around house to show her how yo navigate. She has need doing well with that harness. She can smell and hear since we had her ear infection under control with homeopathic...
Thank you for advice. Doc said she had lost sight he guesses it is from cancer but was not sure. He told us symptoms of cancer advancing but he and we don’t see any advancing cancer symptoms. Thanks for all the training sites. Very helpful. This site is awesome and dr Christina helped us in...