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Thank you. I have had great difficulty w/ muscle testing. I had my energy chiropractor muscle test the mushrooms for Chloe, but I'll look in to the resources that you sent. :)
I have heard that some mushrooms are good to fight against cancer and some are not. What about the two products below (the site blocks copying their ingredients so I pasted the links below).
Lion's Mane Mushroom for Dogs and Cats
14 Mushroom Blend for Dogs and Cats
OK, I have heard from many vets that the oncept melanoma vaccine is beneficial and safe. And, I know that homeopathic vets choose to go on a more natural path, however, can any one site any factual cases of the vaccine hurting a dog? I know I might be opening Pandora's box... but I am...
IF we go ahead with the ozone therapy, they want to do two types of ozone therapy:
*Blood draw then they mix the ozone gas with her blood and put it back into her with an IV: "Major auto hemagheraphy" (sp?). Have you heard of this IV method and do you recommend it?
*Secondly, rectal insuflagion...
Wonderful! We made a plan to do the Oncept melanoma vaccine and ozone therapy alternating every other week between the two. They took a fecal sample and gave Chloe GI relief meds to start the fecal transplant. He recommended the keto raw diet and medicinal mushrooms. I was given some ozone gel...
I'm still searching for the replay but cannot find it. The person that I spoke to at VDI suggested having a vet choose the blood tests that would be beneficial for Chloe's health plan.
Thanks. Like the chest x-rays, I'm happy to report that the lymph nodes are clear :) :). Oncologist still recommends starting the 'vaccine.' What do you know about The Banerji Protocals? Is it something worth researching?