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Recent content by DeborahF

  1. D

    Sneezing cat with prior calcivirus infection as young kitten

    Dr. Christina, Definitely is our kitty. Thank you for all the suggestions. Not sure what "O" is (referenced in 3rd paragraph of your reply)?
  2. D

    Sneezing cat with prior calcivirus infection as young kitten

    Gizmo, 1 year 8 mos; neutered male. DSH Beam 9/10 (sneezing) Otherwise playing, eating fine. Diet is rehydrated raw food. Vaccination history; kitten shots - FVRCP 3/27/23; 5/10/23, rabies 5/22/23 1 year rabies (non adjuvent) April 2024 ; Treated from 3/16/23 -4/3/23 with: Pyrantel pamoate...
  3. D

    Anitra Frazier's Vita Mineral Mix

    Dr. Christina, Any luck on this? Thank you!
  4. D

    Anitra Frazier's Vita Mineral Mix

    Thanks for answering, Dr. Christina. Unfortunately, they do not carry it any longer, at least that was what I was told yesterday by an agent at the contact phone # that is listed for Entirely Pets. If you go to their website, there is no option to purchase it, they just list information. I...
  5. D

    Anitra Frazier's Vita Mineral Mix

    Am trying to find this product for my cat, but I cannot find it anywhere on the web. Does anyone know where I can find this product? Not on Amazon, Chewy, or any other sites that I can find....... Thanks!
  6. D

    Bird Flu Infections in Cats and Dogs

    Read this above referenced article, presume it is still generally considered safe to continue to feed raw food (chicken, duck, goose, etc.)? I have not read anything to the contrary up to this point. We feed reconstituted raw dehydrated poultry (Stella&Chewy's) because of one of our cats...
  7. D

    Anal gland odor in cat

    Gizmo came down with ringworm about a week after we brought him home, about 7 weeks of age. Was treated with the intrafungal and responded well. Sugarfoot, our other cat, did not contract it despite a lot of play and contact. We stayed ringworm free as well....:) BEAM is very good, no...
  8. D

    Anal gland odor in cat

    Your pet's name - Gizmo Approximate age - 1 year Sex - Male Neutering status - neutered Breed - DSH Approximate weight 10 lb What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood) 10/10 Diet - Stella & Chewy's rehydrated raw - 1 cup per day Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other...
  9. D

    Homeopathic remedy, how long is it good for?

    I am giving a Thuja 30 c remedy (pellet that is dissolved in water). How long can I use the solution? Not sure if I need to make up a "new batch" every so often? Can anyone shed some light on this? Many thanks! Deb
  10. D

    Cat vomits almost immediately after eating

    We have been giving Sugarfoot Thuja 30 c as instructed daily since 10/13. How long can we use a particular "batch" of a remedy? Does it need to be remade every so often? I did send a patient update form to Dr. Jeff as instructed. We also have a followup appointment scheduled. We are...
  11. D

    Cat vomits almost immediately after eating

    Hi Dr. Jeff, Just a quick update after our zoom first vet visit on 10//11. We finally got Sugarfoot onto dehydrated raw food first if all, which went well yesterday 10/12. We went to 50% mixture of the dehydrated raw food (Stella and Chewy's Chicken) and Primal Salmon and Chicken frozen...
  12. D

    Cat vomits almost immediately after eating

    Dr. Jeff: We would be more than happy to have you as our holistic practitioner for Sugarfoot. Could I please have the link to your site to I can get him set up for an appointment? Also, we had another episode of vomiting (48 hours from the prior episode) and this seemed to be in...
  13. D

    Cat vomits almost immediately after eating

    Actually, I am researching holistic/integrative vets now. Found 2 practices on west coast that are feline only. Will have to find out if they will do 2nd opinions and/or virtual visits. Don't know if anyone within HA can make some recommendations as to vets? My previous cats were...
  14. D

    Cat vomits almost immediately after eating

    Update 10/3/23: Seems after doing canned only, can only get to 4 days without a repeat episode of vomiting/regurgitation, the last episode being tonight. Otherwise, BEAM is quite good, except for some perceived anxiety. Cats are continuing to be separated at mealtimes. Playing normally...
  15. D

    Cat vomits almost immediately after eating

    An update: We are now feeding every 3 waking hours 1.5 T wet food ONLY and he has held that down for the past 24 hours. 1.5 T seems to be his volume limit as he does not quite lick the plate (with the food spread out over 2 dinner plates) totally clean like he had been. His BEAM is good -...
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