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Thank you very much Dr Jeff I'll go through it this afternoon. It was a pleasure speaking with you a couple months ago. I only wish I had better sleep the week before. It's quiet where I moved! Maybe I will do another phone consult in Jan with you.
Enjoy your day!
Thank you. However I work with a vegan vet too and many other healthy vegan dogs so I know that without a specific issue, saying meat is the answer is not addressing the issue. You also have bio-accumulation to account for and my other other dog is unable to process any animal proteins except...
Thank you. What do you mean by cellular energy? Can you please give me some examples?
What can I do from home to approach this till I can afford to see another vet?
Does any of this sound familiar? Like GI or allergies? Lyme or thyroid? Or am I way off?
Hi, Nyxie 10 or 11 year old white pit mix has been having issues ever since she had lyme 2 years ago also tests show slightly low thyroid. The lyme disease was pretty debilitating when she had it, and she was always very sensitive to cold after that. She was also treated for hookworm with herbs...
Wow, I love that stuff! Not sure why it showed up in my feed as this thread is months old but years ago I took it and cleared up so much candida that was causing skin issues and brain fog. It was a huge turning point in my life. Someone in my raw vegan group mentioned it because the anti candida...
Thank you. I've spoken with Jean many years ago and she's definitely on the forefront of the thyroid issues as far as anyone I've ever heard of, however I have Hashimoto's and I'm following the protocol by by Dr. David Brownstein and he refutes this even with animals that there is this...
Thank you. Right he needs sodium. He's getting sodium in his nutritionally balanced dog food. The excess sodium is coming from my food. I make sure to give them. That can and should be reduced. I make a homemade purple cabbage kraut with probiotics and sea salt. I can make it without. Same with...
Nyxie Age 11 Female Unspayed White bully mix/Dogo? 45lbs BEAM great although she is content sleeping a lot too.
Same as Nitro's IBD/S vegan diet to avoid cross contamination. Some Kangaroo. Plenty of organic human foods & superfoods. Org peanut butter in Kong.
Rabies 3 yrs ago (waiting for...
Nitro, 11yrs, Male, Neutered, Shepherd/Lab, 82lbs, BEAM great. Young for his age!
Diet-95% vegan with small amounts of kangaroo. Organic & homemade fermented foods, seaweeds, Golden Paste, MyCommunity medicinal mushrooms, Natural Balance kibble, Kangaroo Feast, org salt free/sugar free peanut...
I've been reading the ingredients of the products listed in the Lyme course for prevention and thinking of mixing my own neem oil with food grade DE to dust them with when we go out. I have a little spray left I got from Natural Pet in Boulder that acts as a repellent. We get a small amount of...
She's on doxycycline and amoxicillin (for lepto) but taking her off that now and keeping her on doxycycline for the lyme. This is unfamiliar territory for me. I've worked with dogs for over 30 yrs and have never seen a case of Lyme. We've been living in the south though it's not as common. We...