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Recent content by AnnaH

  1. AnnaH

    Rescued a tiny kitten in a shed after rainstorm. Need guidance!

    Update; I’ve been following Jackson Galaxy’s protocol and reading Dr. Jean’s article about introducing a new kitten to adult cats. My two adult cats were formerly feral. One of them is indoor-outdoor and doesn’t seem as affected by the kitten because he is preoccupied being happy outdoors...
  2. AnnaH

    7 week old kitten swallowed a small friendship bead. Do we need to go to er?

    Hello, My 7 week old kitten swallowed a small friendship Bracelet bead. Do we need to rush to ER or can we wait for her to poop it out? She is breathing fine. He drank alot of water afterward. @Dr. Barbara @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Leisl @Dr. Sara
  3. AnnaH

    Bloody scab between ear and eye on Jinxie

    I had fresh aloe leaf and rubbed a piece on it. This okay?
  4. AnnaH

    Bloody scab between ear and eye on Jinxie

    Great idea. Thank you.
  5. AnnaH

    Bloody scab between ear and eye on Jinxie

    I thought aloe Vera was toxic for cats. But topically it’s okay? If she licks her paws after rubbing it okay?
  6. AnnaH

    To trim or not to trim indoor/outdoor cat

    Did you get a chance to ask Dr. Shoemaker and Gellmam if I should trim Junior’s nails? He is my indoor/outdoor cat. Want him to be able to protect himself out there as well. Thank you @Dr. Christina
  7. AnnaH

    Bloody scab between ear and eye on Jinxie

    No, the kitten and her haven’t met/seen each other yet. I am still tryin to feed on opposite side of the door. Initially, I was not going to keep the kitten so I was not trying to integrate. I started trying to integrate a few days ago. At the moment I’m feeding her Viva raw. But I was putting a...
  8. AnnaH

    Bloody scab between ear and eye on Jinxie

    Hello, I discovered a bloody scab between my cats ear and eye. Could this be from her scratching? I haven’t been seeing her scratch a lot. Just once but maybe she has when I’m not looking. If she is scratching could it potentially be from fleas or from a reaction to food? I flea comb her twice...
  9. AnnaH

    Rescued a tiny kitten in a shed after rainstorm. Need guidance!

    Oh! I see it! I must have missed the article before. Thank you @Dr. Jean Hofve !
  10. AnnaH

    Rescued a tiny kitten in a shed after rainstorm. Need guidance!

    I agree. I don’t see where the article is posted @Dr. Jean Hofve. Thank you.
  11. AnnaH

    Rescued a tiny kitten in a shed after rainstorm. Need guidance!

    I started scaredy cat as I have this on hand. The kitten has been in my bathroom for 2 weeks and my cat Jinxie is not wanting to go near the bathroom door when I put treats there as if she knows I’m trying to trick her to go closer. She’s making it clear she doesn’t want to meet her. I brought...
  12. AnnaH

    Rescued a tiny kitten in a shed after rainstorm. Need guidance!

    @Dr. Jean Hofve my adult cat is not happy I have kitten in the bathroom and it’s been 2 weeks. Should I give her the Jackson galaxy jealousy drops or scaredy cat? She’s scared of everything. Thank you!! Ps. The last three days she finally went near the door to sniff and investigate, and then...
  13. AnnaH

    Rescued a tiny kitten in a shed after rainstorm. Need guidance!

    Hello Dr. Jeff, Kitten’s mom and kitten came from an alley of a big colony of ferals. I don’t know if there is distemper in this area. I will wait til 12 weeks then and space apart. I’m going to get her tested today for any feline diseases because I want to know if and when she can come out of...
  14. AnnaH

    Rescued a tiny kitten in a shed after rainstorm. Need guidance!

    Hello, The kitten is 6 weeks old now. She was loaded with fleas and as much as I combed her I would find them on her again. The vet gave her half the dose of revolution. As much as I didn’t want to do this I felt I had to get it under control asap as I have two other pets the house. She’s...
  15. AnnaH

    Kitties tail got caught in door and threw her into a cared frenzy with harness on. Is arnica appropriate?

    Oh!! Aconite!! I gave her arnica an hour ago. When can I give her aconite? I left 5 drops of stress stopper in the laundry room where she’s hiding in hopes it helps her. Is it okay to give aconite after arnica and stress stopper? I hope she will trust the harness again. 🥲 thank you, @Dr. Jeff
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