Flower Essences for Lame and Arthritic Pets

Flower Essences (FE) can help your pets with both physical and emotional health challenges. They are great for lame, stiff and arthritic pets.

Unlike supplements that act like natural drugs, FE are 100% safe. They are made by putting specially chosen flowers in water and exposing to sunlight.

Most of them focus on emotional states like fears, grief and shock. However what affects the mind also affects the body. The latest mind-body research shows that problem emotions can cause physical symptoms. They work best when you can match the emotional state of your pet with the physical health challenge.

Your lame, stiff and arthritic pets will feel better and be happier from FE.

Don’t give up just because one specific essence isn’t helping your pet. You can try one for a month but if it is not helping, just switch to another. There are hundreds of individual essences. Every one has different properties and improves different symptoms. You have two major options to select FE:

  • Single essences that you may combine yourself
  • Combinations labeled for your pet’s problem

Combinations specifically for lameness problems in animals are sold by several companies. Each also has single essences you could explore. Senior combinations may be used for any aged animal who is showing signs associated with aging.

There are also specific combinations for emergency and painful situations. Each is made from different essences, so one company’s formula may resonate more with your dog or cat. All are 100% safe, so try one after the other until you find the best for each person and animal in your home. All are equally good for you as well.

Administering Flower Essences

Flower Essences are very easy to use! They can be given by mouth, added to food or water, applied topically (especially to sore joints), or sprayed in a problem area (like the car they are nervous about riding in).

FE work best when they are given very frequently. The more problematic the symptom, the more frequent the administration.

Your arthritic pet who just wiped out on the floor and is panting and anxious may need a dose every few minutes!  Administering them in different ways (oral, sprayed, rubbed in, etc.) up to six times or a day often works best.

The standard recommendation from the Bach FE company (makers of the highly effective Rescue Remedy) is to put four drops of Rescue is put into a mixture. That then can be sprayed or massaged on the animal or misted in the air.

Two drops of each chosen flower remedy in a 1 oz bottle of spring (or filtered) water.

FE specially formulated for lame, stiff and arthritic animals

Bach Essences: 

  • Beech: intolerant animals who have trouble relaxing emotionally that develop stiff joints/arthritis.  
  • Rock Water: Stubborn animals who seem rigid and hate change. Physically and emotionally inflexible animals. Use it when you see even a little lessening of flexibility in spine or legs (remember aging does not cause loss of flexibility). 
  • Willow: resentful animals with arthritis.
  • Agrimony: Stoic, hide their problems, hide when people argue. Often skin or GI tract problems occur along with the joint problems.

Jackson Galaxy Essential FE (originally Spirit Essences):

  • Creak Away: Rigid thoughts and behavior patterns can ultimately create stiffness in the body and can make an animal grouchy and unhappy. This combination helps disperse this blocked energy and restore free flow throughout the system.
  • Graceful Aging: This combination addresses being stuck in certain habits, being grumpy or impatient.  
  • Intensive Care – Relieve pain, calm panic, ground the emotional and physical systems. May be needed for weeks after surgery or an accident.

Green Hope Essences:

  • Run And Play: Addresses health and wellbeing of bones, joints and muscles. Is also good after joint or bone surgeries.
  • Animal emergency care: Fear, trauma, shock can challenge the electrical system, hindering the ability to respond to any healing treatments. This combination stabilizes the system thus calming him.
  • Senior citizen: Helps reverse the declines to whatever degree is possible in areas such as flexibility, energy level, hearing, and more.


  • Recovery Remedy: Helps after both physical and emotional trauma. Speed regeneration of nerves after an accident.
  • Senior: Eases arthritis pain as well as strengthen kidney and bladder function.
  • Many single remedies that Sharon (the owner) can help you select.

Pet Essences:

  • Arthritis and Achy Pain: Stiff, sore, achy joints and muscles. Arthritis-type symptoms experienced when jumping or walking, especially in older animals.
  • Elder Comfort: A gentle blend of FE that help an older animal feel more secure and comfortable.
  • Fracture Repair: Helps the body repair and deal with broken or cracked bones.
  • Graceful alignment: Learning to walk in a balanced way after an accident, surgery, fight or even illness.
  • Skeletal support: Balances the emotional attitudes that may affect the skeletal system.

New Millennium Essences

  • Animal Arthritis: Blend of flower essences to help animals to deal with arthritis in the joints, at both the emotional and physical level.

All of these choices may seem overwhelming at first. But you don’t need to let them be. All you need to do is choose the one which seems to match your pet’s health challenges best. Since they’re so safe, it’s no problem to try a different one to see if it helps more.

Holistic Actions! community can help you decide which to use. HA! members can post questions in the Facebook Group. Fall of 2017, full supporting members will also have access to a private discussion forum on this site.

It’s also not too late to join us for the live webinar. You’ll learn many other ways to help your lame, stiff and arthritic pets.

Be well.

Drs. Christina and Jeff

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