Answered by Dr. Jean Hofve So your girl kitty accidentally got pregnant. Now what? Is it too late to spay her? No, in most cases, it isn't too late most cats...
HA! Staying Healthy
What Ingredients Are Important to Incorporate into My Cat’s Diet?
Answered by Dr. Jean Hofve There are three ingredients that I recommend you incorporate into your cat's diet. The first and most important are omega 3 fatty...
Suffering from decision fatigue? HMDM to the rescue
Our everyday lives are loaded with decision making (making a tooth paste choice alone is not the same as it used to be a hundred years ago), so decision...
Quest For Healing: Holistic Pet Care Q&A Part 2
Quest for Healing, Episode #44: Holistic Pet Care Q&A and Why Context Matters with Dr. Jeff Feinman (Part 2 of 2). Aired: Wednesday, August 18, 2021...
Quest for Healing: A Truly Holistic Approach to Pet Health
Quest for Healing, Episode #43: A Truly Holistic Approach to Pet Health with Dr. Jeff Feinman (Part 1 of 2). Aired August 11, 2021. Welcome to this...
5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I First Became A Doctor
An Interview With Luke Kervin. Published in Authority Magazine, Medium. August 19, 2021 The third biggest thing I wish I’d learned in vet school is...
The Return to Wholeness and Homeostasis: Escaping the Reductionistic Prison
Homeostasis, Balance and Equilibrium are used interchangeably throughout the article. Over the last century, science has been held captive to the legacy of...
How to Optimize Your Pet’s Quality of Life Using BEAM
Highlights: Understand what BEAM is How BEAM reflects both quality of life and cellular energy Using symptoms to improve and enhance your pet’s quality of...
Holistic vs Homeopathic
Maybe because they both start with an H, many people confuse holistic treatments with homeopathic treatments. Clients will tell a veterinarian that they have...
Case History: Natural Diet Restores A Very Sick Cat
It all began in 1988, when our beloved year-old tortoiseshell Persian, Dinah, developed what was diagnosed as a “granuloma” on her lip. Our then veterinarian...
Give Arnica A chance – Dispelling Homeopathy Myths
Would you like to learn a safe, effective and inexpensive way to help people and pets heal? You are in the right place. Arnica is an over the counter...
What Should I Feed My Pets? The Pet Food Dilemma
“Although we have come to accept commercial foods as being normal or natural ways to feed animals (and indeed ourselves), in fact they are not. They are...
How to Safely and Happily Travel With Your Pet: Five Steps for an Adventure of a Lifetime!
What’s better than a travel adventure? A travel adventure with your pet, of course! Bringing your pet along on your dream destination (or even a weekend...
Dreaming of Adopting a Dog? Push “Paws” Till You’ve Considered These Five Crucial Questions
Aw, doggies. They tug at your heartstrings. Sometimes all you have to do is see a puppy in the park or an adoption ad from your local animal shelter to make...
Putting the Individual Front and Center: Four Pillars of Practice for People and Pets Alike
Ever been good friends with a pair of identical twins? If so, you know that one of the most frustrating things for them as children is the assumption that...
The Happiness Protocol: Why Individuality and Happiness Play a Huge Part in Your Pet’s Health
At Holistic Actions!, we are committed to so much more than helping pets become symptom and dis-ease free. The absence of dis-ease is not the same as the...
Best 5 dried Dog Foods For 2021
Dog is a (wo)man’s best friend - that’s been an undisputed fact for many centuries and I am sure, if you’re reading this, you’ve experienced that yourself....
Laughter Is Medicine
You may have heard of laughter yoga - although it may sound funny, laughter actually has great benefits for our health: from stimulating internal organs by...
How to Optimize Every Aspect of Your Pet’s Environment to Promote Balance, Boost Immunity, and Defend Against Dis-ease
Your pet’s susceptibility to dis-ease, like your own, depends on the degree to which they can maintain their inner balance (what is also called inner terrain)...
Confused About Your Pet’s Symptoms, and Maybe Even Your Own? Gain Clarity With a Big Picture Perspective
Why our pets, or ourselves, for that matter, develop health problems can be a trickier question than it might appear. Say, for example, you take your puppy to...
How to Listen to and Learn From Your Pet’s Symptoms to Take Effective Holistic Action
Learning to view your pet’s symptoms as trustable, intelligible communications that can provide clues to underlying imbalances and guide holistic health...
Faced With Making a Medical Decision for Your Pet? Push “Paws” to Ensure a Fairy Tale Ending
Once upon a time, not so very long ago (in the last year, actually), there was a beautiful, golden-haired girl named Sam. Sam’s energy, enthusiasm, and love...
How to Use Clues From Your Animal Companions to Promote Optimal Health
Learning to use your pet’s symptoms* as valuable clues for understanding underlying imbalances and addressing them holistically is one of the most important...
A Way To Connect Modern Veterinary Medicine And Ancient Wisdom: An Introduction To Terrain Theory
Germ Theory: Not the Whole Story What human being has not been warned about germs, those infectious micro-organisms (pathogens) that are too small to be seen...
Fluffy or Flabby? How to Prevent or Manage Pet Obesity and Optimize Your Dog or Cat’s Nutrition
Meet Susie On a glorious spring afternoon with temperatures nearing 70 degrees and not a cloud in the sky, Susie was finally getting to enjoy her favorite...
Do Pets Get Covid-19?
Can My Pet Get the SARS Virus and Develop the Covid-19 Dis-ease? Nowadays, veterinarians are often asked whether pets can get Covid-19. The short answer is...
Fatal Viruses and One Health
The information on this blog is primarily about using HA! for animals. However the same scientific data that is used here for animals can be applied to...
One Way to Re-Connect Nature and Veterinary Medicine
" An increasing body of research is showing that pets, people and the planet are all interconnected. This interrelationship is called One Health and helps...
Internal Balance and covid?
Have you ever had an intuitive sense that your pet is sick, but your vet says that your pet is fine because the exam and tests are all normal. Regardless, you...
HMDM In Action – 2 Cases
The following cases describe how Holistic Medical Decision Method can be used in everyday life. case number 1 - Ear infection Let’s say your dog has an ear...
Significance of Signs, Symptoms, mTor, and Quality of Life By Jeff Feinman, VMD Used with permission of the Journal of the American Holistic Veterinary...
Using the Vitality and Balance System in Holistic Veterinary Practice
Using the Vitality and Balance System in Holistic Veterinary Practice By Jeff Feinman, VMD Used with permission of the Journal of the American Holistic...
Longevity, Vital Capacity, Pranayama, and the Exposotype
Longevity, Vital Capacity, Pranayama, and the Exposotype By Jeff Feinman, VMD Used with permission of the Journal of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical...
Give Reiki A Chance?
How would you like to be able to help restore balance in your pets' bodies in a free and 100% safe way? That's what Reiki can do. It is a form of medicine...
Got a Case of the COVID Blues? Six Easy, Fun, and Meaningful Ways to Feel Better and Enhance Your Mental and Physical Health
A SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM HOLISTIC ACTIONS! FACULTY: The HA! faculty sends our prayers and best wishes to everyone throughout the world that has been affected by...
Cancer prevention – watch those symptoms
Focus on life, not cancer This post is a part of the ebook that accompanied a Cancer Series (2021) at our Holistic Actions! Academy. The ebook was written to...
Dr. Christina Chambreau: Discovery of Vitality, Balance and Homeopathy
Graduating from the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine in 1980 at age 30, I was not thinking at all holistically. I had done a two-day...
How To Improve Your Dog’s Performance in Agility
Any pet may suffer an injury or develop a problematic symptom. Especially those canine athletes who do activities like agility, flyball, herding, etc....
The Benefit of Vaccinating
This article has been adapted from the Holistic Actions! vaccinosis webinar ebook. If you’d like to be notified the next time we have a webinar about...
How to Select an Integrative Holistic Veterinarian
The reasons you may want to have a holistic veterinarian on your team: Your pet is ill and you want to treat them holistically. You want to prevent illness,...
What To Do About Vaccinosis Prevention and Treatment
This article has been adapted from the introduction to the Holistic Actions! vaccinosis webinar ebook. If you’d like to be notified the next time we have a...
Is the Food you Feed Helping or Hurting Your Pets?
Food has been used as a safe and effective medicine for thousands of years. Living food is vital and gives our pets the nutrients and energy they need to...
Practicing Proactive Prevention and Treatment to Best Help Our Pets (Brain Tumor Case)
Seemingly without warning, your beloved companion animal develops a life-threatening illness. Sue and Bear’s story can help you decide what to do. Bear is a...
Size of the Medication Dose Matters. A lot!
In the mid-1990s, I was called out to see Justin, an Irish Wolfhound who was unable to get up. This was a big problem because he weighed 180 pounds....
Why Routine Diagnostic Tests are so Important
Your nine year young pup or kitty seems fine. But she’s not. The veterinarian just called with the blood test results from her wellness check up: thyroid,...
Can Nutritional Supplements Hurt Your Pets?
We live in a fast-paced society. We want quick results. Especially when our beloved pets develop scary symptoms. Drugs are designed to eliminate these...
Flower Essences for Lame and Arthritic Pets
Flower Essences (FE) can help your pets with both physical and emotional health challenges. They are great for lame, stiff and arthritic pets. Unlike...
Should You Use Supplements for Your Lame and Arthritic Pets?
The Problem: Increasing lameness, stiffness and arthritic problems in our pets. The Solution: Individualized treatment while supporting your pet's body while...