This is the recording of our monthly Q&A session where Drs. Jeff Feinman and Christina Chambreau join forces to tackle pet guardian questions.In this...
Ask a Vet Q&A 01/31/2025
This is the recording of our monthly Q&A session where Drs. Jeff Feinman and Christina Chambreau join forces to tackle pet guardian...
Ask a Vet Q&A 12/27/24
This is the recording of our monthly Q&A session where Drs. Jeff Feinman and Christina Chambreau join forces to tackle pet guardian questions.In this...
Ask a Vet Q&A 10/25/24
This is the recording of our monthly Q&A session where Drs. Jeff Feinman and Christina Chambreau join forces to tackle pet guardian questions. Would You...
Ask a Vet Q&A Session 9/27/24
This is the recording of our monthly Q&A session where Drs. Jeff Feinman and Christina Chambreau join forces to tackle pet guardian questions.In this...
Ask a Vet Q&A Session 6/28/2024
This is the recording of our monthly Q&A session where Drs. Jeff Feinman and Christina Chambreau join forces to tackle pet guardian questions. In this...
Ask a Vet Q&A Session 5/31/2024
This is the recording of our monthly Q&A session where Drs. Jeff Feinman and Christina Chambreau join forces to tackle pet guardian questions. In this...
Ask a Vet Q&A Session 4/26/2024
Drs. Jeff Feinman and Christina Chambreau join forces to tackle pet guardian questions. Here are some key take aways: Diet and Nutrition Feed a...
Ask a Vet Q&A Session 3/29/2024
Drs. Jeff Feinman and Christina Chambreau join forces to tackle pet guardian questions. In this webinar, we covered: 0:00 Introduction and welcome Dr....
Ask a Vet Q&A Session 2/23/2024
Drs. Jeff Feinman and Christina Chambreau join forces to tackle pet guardian questions. From allergies to understanding symptoms - and what you can do. Here...
What Foods Should I Avoid Feeding My Dog?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau Commercial Foods The most important for me, with 45 years of experience in the veterinary field, is to avoid feeding...
What’s the Best Diet for My Dog with Diabetes?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau Your dog is drinking a lot and peeing a lot, so you go to the veterinarian and find out your dog has diabetes. Now you're...
How Do I Care For My Dog’s Teeth?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau That is such a great question because we do need to take care of our dog's teeth. Teeth problems can lead to gum problems,...
Is CBD a Viable Treatment for Pets With Anxiety?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau CBD is absolutely a viable alternative to treat pets for anxiety. Conventional treatments usually include drugs, some of...
How Do I Manage My Pet’s Anxiety During A Storm?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau It’s thunderstorm time again. My dog is howling. Your dog may be running through glass doors or glass windows, maybe just...
How Can I Treat My Pet’s Dandruff?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau White flakes on my black fancy suit. White flakes all over my house. White flakes on my dog's hair coat, especially if...
Is cannabis oil a holistic treatment for cat cancer?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau Your cat has cancer, and you're starting to wonder if cannabis oil is a treatment for cancer. You've been reading about...
Can I Give My Dog Benadryl for Allergies?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau Yes, you can give your dog Benadryl for allergies. It can be a temporary help in eliminating sneezing, runny eyes,...
What Are Holistic Treatment Options For a Cat with Tapeworm?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau First, what are tapeworms? There's a tapeworm. They're segmented and the way you'll know that your cat has tapeworms isn't...
Is Cannabis Oil A Homeopathic Treatment For Cat Cancer?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau Well, cancer is definitely a serious concern for a lot of people, and they’re looking for multiple different treatments....
Are There Any Effective Holistic Treatments for Tumors in Cats?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau You may have seen a lump on your cat. You may have seen that your cat had decreased energy or decreased appetite and when...
How Often Do I Need to Bathe My Dog?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau Doggy odor? Well, dogs just smell, and they need to get bathing in order to not smell like a dog. Some people bathe their...
What are The Signs That My Dog May Have Allergies?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau You have a dog that is scratching, itching, has runny eyes, runny nose, maybe is having diarrhea or even some vomiting?...
What Is The Best Way To Treat Fleas On My Dog?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau The best way is for you to build the health of your dog because healthy dogs are much less likely to attract fleas, so...
How Can I Tell If My Cat Has a Skin Problem?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman The most common symptom is an itchy pet, but if they’re not itching and they have the three S’s: skin sores, shedding, or...
What Are The Symptoms of Pregnancy in Cats?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman Cats cycle frequently so they are prone to getting pregnant if you don’t spay or neuter them so knowing what symptoms to look for...
Can I use essential oils around my pets?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman The real quick answer is yes. How you use them and especially if you use them on yourself or your pets, the source and quality of...
My Dog Has an Ear Infection. Does He/She Need Treatment?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau The first question to ask is if the problem your dog is showing with her ears if it's really an infection or not....
My Dog Seems To Be In Pain While Walking Or Running. What Should I Do?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman It always depends on the individual, your dog individually. The number one treatment is to go to the vet and get any diagnostic...
What Cat Food Brands Would You Recommend?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman The answer is really no commercial brands, in that I, as a veterinarian that focuses on vitality and energy, I prefer fresh food...
How does juvenile renal disease affect dogs?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman It depends on the context of the individual. The most common symptom that I see is actually no physical symptom but rather...
I think my older dog has dementia. What should I do?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman The symptoms: being out of it, wandering and getting lost, or hitting things, can be really tough for your pup to live with and...
What should I do if my dog continues to bite people?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman If your dog has been biting people and is now continuing to bite people, you want to look at the full context of the symptom,...
How Can I Help My Dog With Hip Dysplasia Feel More Comfortable?
Answered by Dr. Jean Hofve There are many ways to help your dog with hip dysplasia feel better. They include acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine,...
How Often Do Dogs Need Rabies Shots?
Answered by Dr. Jean Hofve Well, the rabies vaccine is required by law pretty much everywhere. You can contact your local animal control and find out what the...
How Do I Cure My Dog’s Bad Breath?
Answered by Dr. Jean Hofve Well, first it is important to remember that doggy breath may be very common but it is not normal. In fact, we consider it to be an...
My dogs barks and kicks at night. Is he having nightmares?
Answered by Dr. Jean Hofve Dogs actually do dream a lot and small dogs actually dream more than big dogs. When your dog is in deep REM sleep and barking,...
How To Treat Cherry Eyes In Dogs
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman That’s a great question because it depends on the situation. Most frequently, cherry eyes, which is like a prominence of the...
What Should I Do if My Dog Has Cluster Seizures?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman First, I should define that a little bit more. Cluster seizures are a seizure in the dog that occurs more than a couple of times...
What Are The Symptoms Of Anxiety In Dogs?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman Well, that’s a great question because that’s part of B.E.A.M: behavior, energy, appetite, and mood). All those things can reflect...
What Is The Best Way to Prevent Ticks?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau Yes, there's lots of natural ways to repel ticks. One of them is to have a vest that has been impregnated with essential...
Can My Dog’s Heart Murmur Lead To Congestive Heart Failure?
Answered by Dr. Jean Hofve Well, heart murmurs are just a sign of turbulence in the blood flow of the heart where there should be smooth, quiet flow. But, a...
How Can I Tell If My Dog Has Heartworms, And What Is The Treatment?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau The most important symptom to worry about if you’re concerned that your pet has heartworms is coughing, and next to that...
Can You Spay a Pregnant Cat?
Answered by Dr. Jean Hofve So your girl kitty accidentally got pregnant. Now what? Is it too late to spay her? No, in most cases, it isn't too late most cats...
How Do Cats Get Heartworms?
Answered by Dr. Jean Hofve Did you know that cats, like dogs, can get heartworms? Heartworms are transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito, so cats can...
What Natural Methods Can I Use to Help My Cat’s Anxiety?
Answered by Dr. Jean Hofve Natural therapies are very effective for reducing cat anxiety. Flower Essences are one of the very best remedies to use for...
What Flea Treatments are the Safest for Cats?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau Well, the very best flea treatment for cats is to build their health so they won't even attract fleas, they're much less...
Are There Any Natural Preventatives for Heartworms?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau Yes, there are natural preventatives for heartworms if you're trying to avoid the chemical ones. Most importantly, if...