Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman I love that question because that’s kind of what the second step of HMDM, or Holistic Medical Decision Making, is all about. Do...
What are the Symptoms of Cushing’s Disease?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman The most common symptom of Cushing’s is actually not anything that you can see, but what the vet finds in a routine blood test...
What are the Common Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism in Cats?
Answered by Dr. Jean Hofve Hyperthyroid disease affects cats over seven years of age. The most common symptom is increased thirst and along with it is...
What Ingredients Are Important to Incorporate into My Cat’s Diet?
Answered by Dr. Jean Hofve There are three ingredients that I recommend you incorporate into your cat's diet. The first and most important are omega 3 fatty...
What Homeopathic Remedy Can Treat a Cat’s Mouth Tumor?
Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau: First, you have to understand that homeopathy is an individualized medicine. That’s the only way it can work in its...
Can Extra Fat Affect My Cat’s Health Condition?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman To any nutritional changes that can affect the health conditions, but how it does and if it does depends on the individual cat....
What Causes Acute Pancreatitis In Dogs
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman That would depend on a lot of factors starting with the two big causes. One is putative, which means that it’s hypothetical and...
FAQ: What do glazed eyes in my pet mean?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman That’s a great question because that subjective symptom is a real direct clue to an internal imbalance. So, if glazed eyes...
FAQ: Why Is My Pregnant Dog Shivering And Panting?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman The answer to any symptom manifestation is that the cells that are involved, whether in the brain or lungs, are imbalanced from...
FAQ: How Can I Help My Cat With Pancreatitis
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman It depends on what the symptoms are of pancreatitis, which is an irritation of the pancreas. The most common treatment is...
FAQ: Would My Cat Gain Weight if She Had Cancer?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman It depends on how they're gaining weight. Sometimes, cats with cancer will develop a form of malnutrition called cachexia where...