SUMMARY: During tonight's Empower Hour! webinar Dr. Jody Bearman shared great information about the prevention and treatment of kidney dis-ease in dogs and...
EH! Kidneys
06/12/23 Empower Hour! Kidneys Unfiltered
SUMMARY: Dr. Lisa Fox joined us by video tonight. She shared lots of awe-some stuff about kidney health during tonight's Empower Hour! webinar. One important...
06/06/23 Empower Hour! Kidney
SUMMARY: During tonight's Empower Hour! webinar Dr. Jean Hofve shared lots of awe-some info. about kidney health and dis-ease! Big take homes included...
06/28/2021 Empower Hour! HMDM For Urinary
SUMMARY: It was the HMDM (Holistic Medical Decision Making) summary of the June urinary symptom webinars. Lots of stuff was covered, from cystitis to kidney...
06/21/2021 Empower Hour! Kidney Stones
SUMMARY: Dr. Erin Holder shared useful tips to prevent and manage bladder and kidney stones: diet changes, herbs, other lifestyle changes (like extra water...
02/11/19 Empower Hour! Diarrhea 4
SUMMARY: Even before we started tonight’s discussion, Judy asked about a rescue pup with severe kidney dis-ease and her own pup who ate 2 bunches of grapes!...
12/17/2018 Empower Hour! Member Q&A
We answered questions about HMDM and a coughing cat who is drinking a lot, subcutaneous fluid therapy and monitoring for dehydration for a dog, genus epidemics, hyperthyroidism and more.
1/22/18 Empower Hour! Member Q&A
SUMMARY: Thyroid-kidney connection, susceptibility, triggers for dis-eases, etc. 00:00 Review of last webinar and overview of today 1:30 Thyroid – kidney...
11/18/17 Empower Hour! Cystitis & Neutering
SUMMARY: Cystitis Deep Dive, age of spaying: case and spaying discussion.