This is a deeper-dive into modalities along with Dr. Wendy Jensen.
It’s very useful to familiarize yourselves with these important clues…
EH! Homeopathy
11/5/18 Empower Hour! Modalities 1
Tonight’s discussion centered around two very important topics from last weekend’s Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy conference.
10/15/18 Empower Hour! Respiratory 6
During this webinar we focused on upper respiratory dis-eases in your pets and what you can do.
Belladonna, Lachesis and Pulsatilla were the homeopathic remedies discussed in more detail.
10/8/18 Empower Hour! Respiratory 5
This recording starts in the midst of a veterinary hospice discussion with one of the leaders in the field, Gail Pope. We then focused on ways to help your pets with lower respiratory diseases.
9/24/18 Empower Hour! UTIs
Dr. Lisa is a naturopathic physician who focused this hour on the homeopathic treatment of human patients with symptoms of cystitis.
As you’ll see, the remedies are the same as the ones we use for our pets.
9/17/18 Empower Hour! Respiratory 4
Tonight’s discussion focused on how to help your pets with specific homeopathic medicines. Therapy for Kennel Cough, URTIs and Canine Flu was discussed in detail.
7/23/18 Empower Hour! Member Q&A
SUMMARY: Tonight we discussed what to do for a kitty who developed cystitis symptoms, homeopathic medicines. As well as heatstroke, eclampsia, GABA, Reiki, etc.
7/16/18 Empower Hour! Member Q&A
During tonight’s session we discussed a wide range of related topics. Everything from Organon to molecular medicine to clinical cystitis.
7/9/18 Empower Hour! Vomiting & Diarrhea
Tonight we focused on your pets with symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea. After a quick discussion of Organon paragraph 5 which discusses “exciting causes”(triggers) of acute dis-eases.
6/18/18 Empower Hour! Organon Paragraph 3
Organon Paragraph 3 was discussed tonight. This one paragraph summarizes how you can treat your pets using their vitality, balance and homeopathy.
6/11/18 Empower Hour! Organon & Q&A
The state of medicine in Dr. Hahnemann’s time led him to develop homeopathy and write the Organon. We talked about paragraphs 1 and 2 tonight as we started our Organon discussion.
5/28/18 Empower Hour! Organon & Q&A
Tonight we started our session with paragraph 94 of the Organon of Medicine. In it, Dr. Hahnemann talks about how to remove any potential obstacles to healing…