Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman That would depend on a lot of factors starting with the two big causes. One is putative, which means that it’s hypothetical and...
HA! for Diseases
FAQ: What do glazed eyes in my pet mean?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman That’s a great question because that subjective symptom is a real direct clue to an internal imbalance. So, if glazed eyes...
FAQ: Why Is My Pregnant Dog Shivering And Panting?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman The answer to any symptom manifestation is that the cells that are involved, whether in the brain or lungs, are imbalanced from...
FAQ: How Can I Help My Cat With Pancreatitis
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman It depends on what the symptoms are of pancreatitis, which is an irritation of the pancreas. The most common treatment is...
FAQ: Would My Cat Gain Weight if She Had Cancer?
Answered by Dr. Jeff Feinman It depends on how they're gaining weight. Sometimes, cats with cancer will develop a form of malnutrition called cachexia where...
3 Simple Tips to Help Your Hypothyroid Dog
The Problem Beau walked slowly into my office a few months ago and he obviously had a problem. A BIG problem. He was so obese that he looked like an engorged...
Your Cat’s Urinary Problems Are NOT Inevitable
Simba's Urinary Problems In June 2001, Simba was licking his rear end and visiting the litter box frequently. He ran urgently to the box every few minutes for...
The Happiness Protocol: Why Individuality and Happiness Play a Huge Part in Your Pet’s Health
At Holistic Actions!, we are committed to so much more than helping pets become symptom and dis-ease free. The absence of dis-ease is not the same as the...
How to Optimize Every Aspect of Your Pet’s Environment to Promote Balance, Boost Immunity, and Defend Against Dis-ease
Your pet’s susceptibility to dis-ease, like your own, depends on the degree to which they can maintain their inner balance (what is also called inner terrain)...
Confused About Your Pet’s Symptoms, and Maybe Even Your Own? Gain Clarity With a Big Picture Perspective
Why our pets, or ourselves, for that matter, develop health problems can be a trickier question than it might appear. Say, for example, you take your puppy to...
Faced With Making a Medical Decision for Your Pet? Push “Paws” to Ensure a Fairy Tale Ending
Once upon a time, not so very long ago (in the last year, actually), there was a beautiful, golden-haired girl named Sam. Sam’s energy, enthusiasm, and love...
How to Use Clues From Your Animal Companions to Promote Optimal Health
Learning to use your pet’s symptoms* as valuable clues for understanding underlying imbalances and addressing them holistically is one of the most important...
A Way To Connect Modern Veterinary Medicine And Ancient Wisdom: An Introduction To Terrain Theory
Germ Theory: Not the Whole Story What human being has not been warned about germs, those infectious micro-organisms (pathogens) that are too small to be seen...
Fluffy or Flabby? How to Prevent or Manage Pet Obesity and Optimize Your Dog or Cat’s Nutrition
Meet Susie On a glorious spring afternoon with temperatures nearing 70 degrees and not a cloud in the sky, Susie was finally getting to enjoy her favorite...
Do Pets Get Covid-19?
Can My Pet Get the SARS Virus and Develop the Covid-19 Dis-ease? Nowadays, veterinarians are often asked whether pets can get Covid-19. The short answer is...
Fatal Viruses and One Health
The information on this blog is primarily about using HA! for animals. However the same scientific data that is used here for animals can be applied to...
Internal Balance and covid?
Have you ever had an intuitive sense that your pet is sick, but your vet says that your pet is fine because the exam and tests are all normal. Regardless, you...
Reducing Uncertainty During Epidemics
We all worry about the future nowadays. Things, like "will we stay healthy despite COVID-19 and what may happen to our businesses". We may consider worry a...
Got a Case of the COVID Blues? Six Easy, Fun, and Meaningful Ways to Feel Better and Enhance Your Mental and Physical Health
A SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM HOLISTIC ACTIONS! FACULTY: The HA! faculty sends our prayers and best wishes to everyone throughout the world that has been affected by...
Cancer prevention – watch those symptoms
Focus on life, not cancer This post is a part of the ebook that accompanied a Cancer Series (2021) at our Holistic Actions! Academy. The ebook was written to...
How To Improve Your Dog’s Performance in Agility
Any pet may suffer an injury or develop a problematic symptom. Especially those canine athletes who do activities like agility, flyball, herding, etc....
How to Help Balance Your Pet’s Hormones
Diabetes, Cushing’s, Addison's, hypo and hyper-thyroidism sound scary. It helps to know that these names and diagnoses are merely descriptions of the...
What To Do About Vaccinosis Prevention and Treatment
This article has been adapted from the introduction to the Holistic Actions! vaccinosis webinar ebook. If you’d like to be notified the next time we have a...
Practicing Proactive Prevention and Treatment to Best Help Our Pets (Brain Tumor Case)
Seemingly without warning, your beloved companion animal develops a life-threatening illness. Sue and Bear’s story can help you decide what to do. Bear is a...
Size of the Medication Dose Matters. A lot!
In the mid-1990s, I was called out to see Justin, an Irish Wolfhound who was unable to get up. This was a big problem because he weighed 180 pounds....
Holistically Monitoring Kidney Dis-eases at Home
Problem = possible decreased kidney function.Holistic Action! = monitor for early warning signs and kidney function at home while promoting healing by your...
Holistic Help for Dogs and Cats With Cystitis Symptoms
The problem? Cystitis (Urinary Tract “Infection” or UTI). Solution and take home? An easy process to resolve and prevent it.
5 Easy Holistic Actions! That Stop Cats From Urinating Outside the Litterbox
Your kitty has started urinating (or pooping) on the living room rug. What can you do? You went to the veterinarian. Examination and diagnostic testing was...
What You Can Do For Your Dog or Cat Having Seizures
Homeopathic treatment can help any named dis-ease. As long as sufficient vitality exists. Animals have convulsions for various reasons. What can you do if...
Flower Essences for Lame and Arthritic Pets
Flower Essences (FE) can help your pets with both physical and emotional health challenges. They are great for lame, stiff and arthritic pets. Unlike...
Should You Use Supplements for Your Lame and Arthritic Pets?
The Problem: Increasing lameness, stiffness and arthritic problems in our pets. The Solution: Individualized treatment while supporting your pet's body while...
Arnica is Safer and Often More Effective Than Rimadyl
What to do after injury? A frequent question I get from community members is what to do right after an injury. Whether the injury was from a bad turn during...
What Molecular Biology, the MTHFR Gene and Your Pet’s Brain Have in Common
Our companion animals give us unconditional love and support. They deserve the best that we can give them. Unfortunately many of them are living shorter...
How Your Pet’s Behavior is Related to Brain Dis-eases Like Seizures
Some of you have asked, how behavior problems and brain dis-eases (“dis-ease” is another way of saying imbalance) are connected. That’s an easy one! All parts...
Holistic Actions When You Have an Emergency with Your Pet
Here's what you can do if you see emergency symptoms in your animal: Safety first. If an animal is in pain, she may bite you. Even if she loves you dearly and...
The Case of Razz’s Disappearing Mouth Tumor
Meet Razz Razz has a great life! He gets to run with his guardian almost every day, loves playing, training and competing with other dogs. He is so...
More About Using Your Pet’s Symptoms to Help Health Challenges
Symptoms Are The Path To Healing
Main take home message:Acute symptoms reflect internal health. How you treat them really matters. Let’s look at one of the very best ways to help your...
Understand Symptoms To Help Your Pets Have Better Lives
Chi is a 16 year young kitty. He’s a purring machine who loves everyone! One morning, he woke up sneezing and discharging from his nose. That’s it. He was...
You Can Help Your Animal Heal
Vitality. Healing. What do they mean and how are they relevant to you? Every pet's vitality (energy) is critical for staying well and getting better from...
How the B.E.A.M. Symptoms Can Transport Your Itchy Pet To Better Health
Hot spots and skin infections are dangerous. When you look good you feel good. Neither is true. Yet they motivate us to act rashly when caring for our beloved...
How to Decide if Allergies Should Be the Focus of Your Treatment
Sophia is an adorable rescue pup safe and warm with her adoptive parents in Mexico. Her history includes hepatitis and elevated liver enzymes, a luxating...
Holistic Actions! for Itchy Pets
Is Your Pet Allergic (and why)? Itching, scratching and chewing to distraction. Some pets may even itch all day and night. Their quality of life (and our...
Does Your Dog Really Have Lyme Or Need Anti-biotics?
Does Your Lyme Positive Dog REALLY Need to be Treated for Lyme? You’re probably familiar with the increase in Lyme disease and ticks. You probably also know...
Holistic Actions! and Dr. Jeff’s Lyme Story
The fateful weekend Over Father's Day weekend of 2001 we had a house full of company. Little did I know that it would be a fateful weekend (my Dad’s last...
Holistic Actions for Pets That Vomit
What Throwing Up Can Mean for Your Pets If you have a dog or cat who has a history of throwing up (vomiting), you may be worried. You want to stop the...
There Are Risks from Suppressing Skin Dis-eases So Learn Your Holistic Options
Antibiotics Can't Hurt. Right? Sarah was a sweet Maltese. Everyone loved her. She loved everyone and everything. And everyone loved Sarah. Even dog-hating...