Internal Balance and covid?

Holistic pets balanceHave you ever had a
n intuitive sense that your pet is sick, but your vet says that your pet is fine because the exam and tests are all normal.

Regardless, you know that something’s wrong.

Pet parents know their companions better than anyone, and can sense the earliest stage of dis-ease.

Holistic veterinarians, “believe” that they may be detecting a subtle energetic imbalance.

Internal balance is the ability to maintain a relatively stable internal state, also called homeostasis or equilibrium, that persists despite changes in the world outside.

Now is the best time in history to learn more about balance because staying balanced helps pets and people stay healthy and at ease.

Imbalance, or dis-ease worsens resistance to germs like viruses.

For example, scientists are discovering that internal imbalance predisposes people to get sick from the coronavirus.

Sophisticated science is able to describe the genetic, molecular, and cellular factors that make up balance. Here is a recent research article describing how it seems that the individual, or “host”, response to the virus causes severe symptoms, including cytokine storm.

holistic health for pets

Be on the lookout for the next articles that dive a little deeper into exactly what it is about balance that helps keep pets and people healthy.


This article is part of the series of Vitality and Balance related articles. If you enjoyed it, consider reading these posts: “Fatal Viruses And One Health”,Do pets get Covid-19? and One Way to Re-Connect Nature and Veterinary Medicine”.

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