Heartworm prevention for dogs

Heartworm prevention for dogs

Heartworm Treatment Controversy

There is a lot of controversy about heartworm preventatives. The drugs adversely affect many dogs. Any symptoms can become worse (weakened energy field produces many symptoms). Most dogs seem to recover from heartworm infection without the conventional drugs and without serious heart problems although they need careful and professional monitoring. There is, of course, a risk that your dog has an energy weakness for heart problems and if infected, will have serious problems.

Even among holistic veterinarians there are many opinions and approaches. Over the years at conferences, various veterinarians have reported problems with all of the preventatives. In 2005, at the Advanced Homeopathic Seminar, most practitioners had seen reactions for a few days after the preventative is given (not necessarily a bad thing, as the body is appropriately reacting to remove the toxic effects) and a fair amount of chronic disease. Some are not using any preventatives, and testing blood every 6 to 12 months. From the AHVMA conferences, many holistic veterinarians feel that dogs do fine on the monthly preventatives as well as the daily ones. We all agree that the drug companies are suggesting doses too high and frequencies too often.

So what should you do?

Heartworm Preventative – Is It Bad?

If you are afraid of your dog getting heartworms, give the preventative.

First, you need to know that the “heartworm preventative” does not PREVENT your dog from becoming infected, instead – it KILLS the migrating larvae so it prevents maturation, therefore no adults can reside in the heart where they can cause serious damage.

Different companies’ drug sheets and veterinarians’ experiences indicate that the dosages used can be given less frequently (though at least every 6 weeks) and will still kill the migrating larvae.

Knowing which preventative is the best, if any, for your dog is up to you. Observing your dog will give you clues that you need to try one of the other preventatives or use none at all. This is another example of the need to keep a Health Journal.

The fewer drugs the better, so use ones just for heartworms, not other worms. And keep your observations in a journal to evaluate any reactions.

When giving the preventative, give it less frequently than recommended.

The monthly can be safely given every 6 weeks.

Within the host mosquito, heartworm larvae need 30 days of temperatures over 57 degrees F. However, those 30 days need not be sequential. A run of colder nights will pause their growth, but they will resume at the same point as soon as it gets warmer. Give preventative until most mosquitoes are gone.

Once the heartworm microfilaria infect your dog, it takes 6 months for them to mature. This allows a little flexibility. For most of the U.S., you can test for heartworm around April, and if negative, start the preventative once temperatures warm up, as above. Stop once all mosquitos are gone in the fall/winter. Along the Gulf Coast, however, heartworm is a year-round problem.

Where possible, stopping for at few months each year will let you evaluate any impact the preventative is having on the animal. It is important to treat these as serious drugs, watch very carefully for side effects, even subtle ones, and then switch to another kind or treat the dog constitutionally. If you notice no subtle signs of problems from the drugs, keep using them judiciously.

I do not recommend giving Nux Vomica routinely after the preventative (no homeopathic remedies should be given routinely). You can certainly do energy healing, such as Reiki, Tellington TTouch, or Healing Touch, after giving a preventative. You can learn these modalities yourself or go to a practitioner.

heartworm prevention, heartworm treatment, heartworm preventatives

If you choose to not give any preventative, what do you need to know?

Your dog could become infected, have a few adult worms in the heart and baby heartworms in the bloodstream, yet not be ill from the infection at all. A healthy body may be able to tolerate a low level of parasites. Therefore, many clients choose to use no preventative.

I support them in that choice and recommend blood tests twice a year, to allow the worms to mature and reproduce and show up in a blood test. These clients are also treating their dogs holistically in other ways, and being careful in high mosquito season to stay in or use repellent.

There are no herbal preventatives that I would feel are safe to give on a long term basis or are proven to prevent heartworms. There is a heartworm nosode, but we do not have sufficient information to tell if it is really protective. I sometimes use it when people are not going to use any preventative. Some homeopathic veterinarians feel it is protective, others have seen positive heartworm and also reaction to the nosode.

I have heard  Cina or Sulphur or other remedies listed in the “lousiness” or “worm” rubrics suggested. But I do not recommend giving remedies on a continual basis. There is no evidence nor philosophical basis for using these remedies. Giving remedies that are not needed by the vital force can be damaging in the long run, so stick with non-homeopathic prevention.

Some people feel safe using Para-L from Good Herbs (again my concern is using herbs long term), or diatomaceous earth (garden grade, not pool filter kind) which is not harmful but I do not see how it helps. Though I still have little proof of effectiveness, I am fine with you using a flower essence on a daily basis. One is Para-outta-Site from Jackson Galaxy Solutions.

The best solution for heartworm prevention

The best solution is to make your dog as healthy as possible by vaccinating the least, feeding the best diet (probably a raw meat or freshly cooked meat diet with low carbs) for that individual dog, treat symptoms as clues to an underlying problem and treat the energy problem not merely stop the expression of the imbalance (the symptoms).

A truly healthy dog will be very unlikely to be ill from heartworms.

If your dog tests positive for heartworms, is it horrible?


A healthy dog will have no heart problems and the worms will die in a year or so. There are alternative treatments (herbs and homeopathy) for adult heartworms that are 75% effective. You must have the heart checked by a veterinarian for problems and keep close watch on energy level, coughing, panting and exercise intolerance. If your dog begins to show any of these symptoms, begin holistic treatment.

~Dr. Christina Chambreau


The Happiness Protocol Podcast

The Happiness Protocol Podcast

happiness protocol, holistic pet care

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Dr. Jeff Feinman, Holistic Actions! founder and holistic veterinarian, coined the term The Happiness Protocol for a science-backed philosophy that strengthens the immune system of our pets. It’s easy and fun to do and you can see actual results in your pet’s bloodwork by implementing it.

Judy Miller-Young from the Hound Healer Reports… interviews Dr. Jeff in this inspiring podcast. Have a listen and find out more about Happiness Protocol is and how to do it!

One Health Medicine: Reconnecting People, Pets, and the Planet to Restore Vitality, Balance, Health, Healing, and Happiness

One Health Medicine: Reconnecting People, Pets, and the Planet to Restore Vitality, Balance, Health, Healing, and Happiness

We are all connected. This truth is the basis for One Health Medicine — a paradigm of health, healing, and happiness that reconnects us to ourselves, other living beings, and the world around us. (And also reconnects diverse fields of study — ancient and modern, scientific and social, ecological and energetic — that have too long been divided.)

And although we shouldn’t need research to tell us what many of us know in our hearts, scientific studies into the One Health paradigm of medicine is demonstrating its veracity. They’re also revealing how fragmented, ineffective, and often harmful much of what passes for modern healthcare has become.


one health, holistic pet care, one health medicine

“A Paradigm Shift is Urgently Required”

The following quote from the One Health roadmap to health puts this truth in no uncertain terms:

“The current fragmented framework of health governance for humans, animals and environment, together with the conventional linear approach to solving current health problems, is failing to meet today’s health challenges and is proving unsustainable.

In the conventional model advances in healthcare depend increasingly on intensive interventions, technological developments and expensive pharmaceuticals.

There is an ever-growing disconnect between human health, animal health and environmental and ecosystems health. Gains in human development have come with often-unrecognized negative consequences that are damaging to ecosystems.

A paradigm shift is urgently required to de-sectoralize human, animal, plant and ecosystem health and to take a more integrated approach to health.”

The takeaway here is that until the practice of human and veterinary medicine takes the One Health paradigm seriously, health and happiness for all living things will remain forever elusive. (And that in the act of chasing this health and happiness through a fragmented approach, we are fated to do potentially irreparable damage.)


one health medicine, holistic pet care

The One Health Paradigm is Set to Become the Future of Medicine

The many failures of the management of the global pandemic have served to increase the need for and hasten the adoption of a new standard of practice built on the principles of One Health Medicine. In 2022, we are seeing more and more doctors, patients, scientists, activists, and everyday people adopt and embrace this timeless yet revolutionary paradigm.

At Holistic Actions!, in conjunction with our Vitality & Balance model, we integrate the profound insights from the One Health model into veterinary medicine to promote, restore, and sustain health, healing, and happiness.


By reconnecting to the fundamental unity of people, pets, and our planet, we can at last lay the foundations to survive, thrive, and create the better world that has too long been waiting for us.


If you’d like to support this world-changing effort, please consider donating to our many efforts to implement and advance the One Health Paradigm through the Holistic Actions Foundation. (Visit this page to learn in detail about the many exciting projects we are involved in to give companion animals — and those who love them — the healthy, happy life they deserve!)


one health medicine, holistic pet care

Deciphering Digestive Symptoms

Deciphering Digestive Symptoms

Dr. Jeff Feinman had the privilege to join Pam Roussell with Purrrfectly Holistic on her pet radio, and speak about best practices for deciphering digestive symptoms.

Pam Roussell, Founder & CEO of Purrfectly Holistic, featured in the Voyage Houston Magazine, is passionate about cats and holistic health care.

Watch the webinar below for some great insights into digestive health for cats, most of which applies to dogs as well (or read the transcript).


Adrenal Health With Dr. Forman From Cornell

Adrenal Health With Dr. Forman From Cornell

Dr. Marnin Forman joined us and spoke about the latest approaches to adrenal disorders.

Dr. Forman, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM), is a world renown veterinary doctor, highly involved with academia, diagnostic tool development, and lecturing around the US.

Pet guardians and referring veterinarians alike count on Dr. Forman’s deep clinical expertise and incredible approachability. One of the most sought-after specialists in the area, and the head of the Internal Medicine Department at CUVS (Cornell University Veterinarian Specialists), Dr. Forman will always take time to intensively review every case, to patiently explain a complex diagnosis to a concerned owner, and to work closely with their primary care veterinarian.

Watch the webinar below (or read the transcript).


Breathing: A Powerful and Surprising Way to Increase Your Pet’s Health and Happiness

Breathing: A Powerful and Surprising Way to Increase Your Pet’s Health and Happiness

Ahhhhh. We all know that feeling: the feeling of taking a deep sigh of relief, or experiencing a deep state of contentment. But what’s easy to miss is how intimately connected this experience is to breathing. That’s why in this article, we’re going to help you see how breathing, health, and happiness go together in powerful and surprising ways. (Ways that can make a world of difference for you and your pet!) 

dog breathing, pranayama, holistic pet care, holistic actions, dr. Jeff Feinman, homevet

If you’re a health-conscious pet parent, you already know that high-quality nutrition and abundant exercise play a foundational role in keeping your doggie or kitty happy and healthy, and their BEAM (Behavior, Energy, Appetite, and Mood) in tip top shape. But what you may not know is that “pet pranayama” (exercises and activities that promote better breathing) also play an incredibly powerful role in their health.

While this may sound surprising, it’s only because most of us haven’t had the opportunity to learn about how the quality of our oxygen intake plays a huuuuge role in regulating, nourishing, balancing, and vitalizing nearly every aspect of a pet’s (or person’s) system!

Power Of Breathing

Pranayama /ˌpränəˈyämə/ (in Hindu yoga) is a practice of breath regulation and has been understood since ancient times as a central pillar of caring for body, mind and spirit. But only relatively recently has modern science begun to recognize the extraordinary power of breath and appreciate the amazing health benefits it holds for both pets and people.

Why is breath enhancement so powerful? Just as food is a source of fuel and sustenance for our bodies, so is oxygen. Oxygen, of course, is our MOST vitalizing fuel source (perhaps this is why lung capacity is known as “vital capacity.” ) Breathing is so vital to life that while we can live for many days without food, we can live for only minutes without oxygen.

When living creatures like us and our pets are able to take in and better utilize oxygen, it increases cellular energy and activates our parasympathetic response. The parasympathetic response helps rest, relax, and restore, allowing our system to feel, function, and perform better. While our emphasis in this article will be on how pranayama impacts dogs and cats, keep in mind that all the benefits of this amazingly powerful practice apply equally to you!

power of breath, holistic pet care, dr. Jeff Feinman, holistic actions

The Well-Documented Benefits of Pet Pranayama

Like we said at the beginning of this article, modern science is rediscovering the remarkable benefits of pranayama. Books like, Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art, as well as Heart, Breath, Mind: Train Your Heart to Conquer Stress, are inspiring and easy-to-understand introductions to why and how breath-enhancing exercises and activities produce such profoundly positive effects.   

…pet pranayama can improve just about any health challenge with which your pet may be struggling.

By increasing oxygenation and cellular energy (the central form of energy our body relies on for health and healing), pet pranayama can improve just about any health challenge with which your pet may be struggling. And because it activates your pet’s parasympathetic response, it also increases their sense of wellbeing and makes a noticeable difference in their immune resilience, ability to heal and quality of life! 

This means that pranayama-promoting exercises and activities translate to greater health and happiness across behavior, appetite, energy, and mood (BEAM.) But how and why does better breathing promote health, healing, and happiness and lead to better BEAM? Research now shows that pranayama… 

  • Helps normalize liver enzymes and red and white blood cell count
  • Enhances immune response (greater ability to defend against pathogens)
  • Enhances homeostatic regulation and stability (better systemic balance)
  • Decreases reactivity to environmental and endogenous toxins 
  • Improves sleep and digestion
  • Improves heart health and kidney function
  • Improves mitochondrial function 
  • Increases respiratory function and lung capacity
  • Enhances cognition (and helps counteract cognitive decline in older pets)
  • Improves biomarkers for cellular activity
  • Reduces stress
  • Elevates mood
  • …and much more! 

A Truly Mind-Blowing Article on Pet Pranayama

As a vet and molecular biologist and expert in the field of holistic veterinary medicine, Dr. Jeff Feinman has published on the benefits of pranayama in pets. Although this paper is intended for an academic audience, if you’re inclined to check it out, it’s pretty mind blowing. If you’d like to see a brief excerpt, check out the italicized print below, otherwise just skip ahead to the next section! 

Therapeutic use of pranayama for pets, similar to the use of Ayurveda in people, is relatively easy to implement because breath control is already innately used by pets for communication and calming.

There are several physiological uses for breath control that are known to improve quality of life and reduce problems such as fear, aggression, and separation anxiety. One specific clinical application of this is a behavior modification protocol in which the anxious pet is taught to slow his breathing to help induce calm.

This clinical protocol can be extremely useful for pets with chronic behavioral problems when trained over time. In addition, pets that suffer acutely, such as hyperventilating and panting cats, may also benefit.

Wow, right? (And Dr. Jeff goes on in this paper to address and document dozens of scientifically verifiable benefits of pet pranayama.)  

Fun, Easy, Practical Pet Pranayama Exercises and Activities

In addition to doctors we think it’s super important to reach pet parents to bring the benefits of pet pranayama to as many dogs and cats as possible. That’s why we also share articles like this one about the fun, easy, practical, breath-enhancing exercises and activities we’ll introduce you to below!  

Therapeutic Sniff Walks

Sniff Walks are a big, big deal and are beginning to become better known in the veterinary mainstream. More than any other breath-enhancing exercise or activity you can do with your pet, this one may be the most important for at least two reasons. First, no indoor sniff activity can compete with the diversity of scents, environmental connection/engagement and beneficial microorganisms found outdoors. Second, exposure to fresh air and sunlight are great ways to promote better BEAM. 

dog sniff walk, dog breathing, holistic actions, Dr. Jeff Feinman, Homevet, pranayama

So, how does a sniff walk differ from a regular walk? With regular walks, you’re in charge, whereas with a sniff walk, you allow your dog or cat to lead the way. Either on a loose leash or off-leash (providing you’re in a safe and secure area, of course.) This allows them to be self-directed, explore scents at their leisure, take in many more scents and get the benefit of each one much more deeply than they could if you were hurrying them along on a brisk exercise walk. 

The great thing is that slowing down can benefit both you and your pet, helping you to “stop, relax, and smell the roses.” (Or the grass, dry leaves, or whatever the case may be.) Dr. Dacher Keltner from the Greater Good Science Center of Berkeley University calls these “Awe Walks”. While you walk and “paws” together, keep the leash in the shape of a smile (not taut) so your pet can easily investigate whatever scents attract their attention and check their “pee mail.” (Dogs and cats are exceptionally interested in scent-based signs that indicate another animal has been in the area.) 

Snuffle Mats

For those of you who aren’t familiar with a snuffle mat, it basically looks exactly like a shag-style rag rug with a very deep pile. As far as your dog or cat is concerned, a snuffle mat is a wonderland of scents and a place where hidden treasures (strategically concealed treats) can be found.

Snuffle mats can provide hours of indoor fun on any day, especially when you can’t make it outside for a sniff walk. Snuffle mats promote prolonged sniffing and are generally so irresistible that they can even be used to encourage standing and walking. (With senior pets or dogs struggling with health challenges that make it difficult to perform these movements.) 

Some of our favorite non-toxic snuffle mats include the Paws5 and CleanRun. (And if you’re a DIY champ, you can even make one at home by following these instructions!) As for the “treasures” that you hide inside the snuffle mat, freeze-dried meat treats (especially heart) broken into very small pieces work great. (You can also try sunflower or pumpkins seeds or experiment with your pet’s favorite foods). Remember to make these treats teeny tiny, both because you want them to be difficult to find and because the goal is for your pet to sniff, not necessarily to eat.  

Snuffle mats (and all exercises and activities that promote pranayama) can be so therapeutic that they can offer remarkable quality-of-life enhancement for even seriously ill dogs. Take the case of Koby, a 15-year-young pup with severe, end-stage heart dis-ease. Despite Koby’s challenges, the introduction of sniff activities and multiple snuffle mats dramatically enhanced his happiness and quality of life.  

Hide and Go Treat

Snuffle mats aren’t the only place you can play “Hide and Go Treat” with your pet. Hiding or broadcasting treats around your house or yard (including in the snow) for your pet to find will be a huge hit with both dogs and cats. (Can you imagine how cool it would be if somebody was routinely hiding some of your favorite things around your house or yard for you to discover?!) 

Of course, when you hide treats, make sure to hide them in places your pet will actually be able to find and eat them. (Otherwise, in the days and weeks that follow, you’re liable to find moldy treats, or even mice!) Hide and Go Treat is really a pranayama activity to play with your pet. Start off by encouraging them to look in certain places, and congratulating them when they hit kitty or puppy pay dirt!  You can also use this therapeutic game to stimulate a cat’s hunting reflex to help them connect and engage with their environment.


For cats, purring is pranayama. There are many fascinating theories on why cats purr, but what seems apparent is that cats purr not only to express pleasure and happiness, but also to regulate and restore their system. Purring may be accompanied by an increase in endorphins and parasympathetic stimulation that potentiates a cat’s innate healing ability. All of this is more than enough reason to spend some significant time each day making your cat purr. Whether that’s through petting, playing, or offering them catnip or silvervine, purring is as good for you as it is for them!

Cat purring, cat medicine, holistic actions, Dr. Jeff Feinman, Medical medium, homevet, holistic pet care
In humans, purring/humming has been shown to stimulate the vagus nerve (that’s a super good thing), even if your cat just purrs while you hold them against your chest. A cat purrs within a range of 20-140 Hz and this frequency and vibration seem to activate your parasympathetic response to the point that studies have shown that it can decrease symptoms of dyspnea (shortness of breath), reduce swelling, and promote healing in bones and soft tissue. How’s that for an incentive to spend some extra time with your fuzzy, cuddly, magical, personal healing machine?

Ready to Put Pranayama Into Practice to Reap Its Amazing Benefits?

Take a deep breath and notice how ordinary-yet-extraordinary it is to feel oxygen entering your lungs, allowing yourself to exhale with a sigh of gratitude for the gift of breath. Now, from this place of presence, prepare to put pranayama into practice. To make it even easier, we’ve created this little list to help you begin.

  • I will order a snuffle mat on _________ (When, exactly?)
  • I will take my dog on a sniff walk ________ (When, where, and for how long?)
  • I will pet my cat for ________ (For how long? When?)
  • I’ll set up a Hide and Go Treat hunt for my pet on (What day? With what treats?)

And because we don’t want you to be left out from practicing pranayama…

  • I will take 5 deep breaths, doing my best to bring the spirit of care, curiosity, and compassion to each one when I am _______ (First waking up? Feeling especially stressed? Taking a shower? Getting ready for bed? It’s completely up to you!)

Ahhhhh. See? Now that we’ve come to the end of this article, isn’t it easier to see how breathing, health, and happiness go together in powerful and surprising ways? And we just touched the surface…

We hope this article has been instructive, illuminating, and inspiring to you! If you would like professional guidance in optimizing your pet’s health or successfully treating a veterinary health challenge, our team at Holistic Actions! can help.